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5 ways to automate Mailparser with Zapier

By Nicole Replogle · June 26, 2024

If you send and receive a lot of emails, you know finding important information in your inbox makes finding a needle in a haystack look easy. Thankfully, there are tools available to help extract data from emails so you can sort and organize that information in a way that makes sense to you.

Mailparser automatically pulls information—like contact details or billing data—from emails. Just forward any email to the tool, and the advanced email parser will extract any relevant data fields from the email text and attachments based on your custom specifications. 

But extracting that data is half the battle; you still need to do something with it. And having to download reports or copy information to your other apps can be as much of a bottleneck as leaving everything in your inbox in the first place. Thankfully, you can use Zaps—our word for automated workflows—to connect Mailparser to the tools you use every day. That way, you can simply forward emails to Mailparser and trust all that important information ends up exactly where you want it. 

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  • Save emails to a spreadsheet or database

  • Send notifications for time-sensitive emails

  • Add contacts to your CRM or email list

  • Create meetings and events from emails

  • Use webhooks to connect Mailparser to your other tools

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button next to the name of a Zap you'd like to try. It only takes a few minutes to set it up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Save emails to a spreadsheet or database

There are many reasons you might want to save email content to a spreadsheet. If you're fielding a lot of incoming emails—from job applications to tracking numbers to customer requests—it can be easier to organize and manage them in spreadsheet format. 

Mailparser takes care of extracting important information from those emails. But while you can use Mailparser's native integration with Google Sheets, Excel, or Airtable, you may prefer the flexibility of Zapier's Mailparser integration instead. These Zaps create or update rows in your database tools for every new parsed email in Mailparser. 

Pro tip: Add a formatter step to customize how information is displayed in your spreadsheet or database. Do things like split first and last names, format dates, and even find an emailer's customer ID in your business records.

Create new rows in Google Sheets for new parsed emails in Mailparser

Create new rows in Google Sheets for new parsed emails in Mailparser
  • Mailparser logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Mailparser + Google Sheets

Create new records in Airtable for every new parsed email in Mailparser

Create new records in Airtable for every new parsed email in Mailparser
  • Mailparser logo
  • Airtable logo
Mailparser + Airtable

Parse new emails in Mailparser and create multiple spreadsheet rows in Google Sheets

Parse new emails in Mailparser and create multiple spreadsheet rows in Google Sheets
  • Mailparser logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Mailparser + Google Sheets

Update Google Sheets rows when new emails are parsed in Mailparser

Update Google Sheets rows when new emails are parsed in Mailparser
  • Mailparser logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Mailparser + Google Sheets

Create new rows in Microsoft Excel for new parsed emails in Mailparser

Create new rows in Microsoft Excel for new parsed emails in Mailparser
  • Mailparser logo
  • Microsoft Excel logo
Mailparser + Microsoft Excel

Send notifications for time-sensitive emails

Depending on what types of data you're extracting with Mailparser, you might want to be kept in the loop for new processed emails. Maybe your eCommerce business tracks important shipping and delivery updates, or your recruiting team uses Mailparser to extract and categorize new applicant data. Either way, your team may want to know about new parsed emails as soon as possible so you can take action right away.

Instead of being glued to your Mailparser dashboard or related spreadsheet, you can use automation to connect Mailparser to Slack or Gmail. Then, whenever a new email is parsed, your designated person or team will get an instant notification. Or, you can even use the Gmail workflow to set up an autoresponder to the original email sender—creating a great customer experience with minimal effort on your part.

Send new Gmail emails from Mailparser processed emails

Send new Gmail emails from Mailparser processed emails
  • Mailparser logo
  • Gmail logo
Mailparser + Gmail

Get new Mailparser.io parsed emails in Slack

Get new Mailparser.io parsed emails in Slack
  • Mailparser logo
  • Slack logo
Mailparser + Slack

Send email notifications of mailparser.io emails

Send email notifications of mailparser.io emails
  • Mailparser logo
  • Email by Zapier logo
Mailparser + Email by Zapier

Add contacts to your CRM or email list 

When a new lead sends you an email inquiry, it's important to add their information to your customer relationship management (CRM) tool. But manually creating new profiles in HubSpot or Pipedrive is time-consuming and risks typos. And, of course, the more cluttered your inbox, the more likely potential clients are to fall through the cracks. 

Instead, let Mailparser and Zapier do the busywork for you. Whenever Mailparser extracts new contact information from an email, these Zaps create or update a lead in your CRM. That way, you can follow up with every lead in an organized and systematic way.

Create HubSpot contacts from new Mailparser emails

Create HubSpot contacts from new Mailparser emails
  • Mailparser logo
  • HubSpot logo
Mailparser + HubSpot

Add contacts to LeadConnector from new Mailparser emails.

Add contacts to LeadConnector from new Mailparser emails.
  • Mailparser logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Mailparser + LeadConnector

Create HubSpot contacts from new email parsed in Mailparser.

Create HubSpot contacts from new email parsed in Mailparser.
  • Mailparser logo
  • HubSpot logo
Mailparser + HubSpot

Create Pipedrive deals from new emails parsed by mailparser.io

Create Pipedrive deals from new emails parsed by mailparser.io
  • Mailparser logo
  • Pipedrive logo
Mailparser + Pipedrive

Create Brivity leads from new Mailparser emails.

Create Brivity leads from new Mailparser emails.
  • Mailparser logo
  • Brivity logo
Mailparser + Brivity

Create Salesforce leads from emails parsed by mailparser.io

Create Salesforce leads from emails parsed by mailparser.io
  • Mailparser logo
  • Salesforce logo
Mailparser + Salesforce

Create Pipedrive people from new Mailparser parsed emails

Create Pipedrive people from new Mailparser parsed emails
  • Mailparser logo
  • Pipedrive logo
Mailparser + Pipedrive

Similarly, you can automate the process of adding new contacts to your email marketing funnel. If you use Mailparser to extract contact information from your emails, use one of these Zaps to send that data directly to Mailchimp or ActiveCampaign. You'll be able to add new subscribers (or update existing ones) without any manual data entry.

Create New Mailchimp Subscriber from Mailparser Processed Email

Create New Mailchimp Subscriber from Mailparser Processed Email
  • Mailparser logo
  • Mailchimp logo
Mailparser + Mailchimp

Add or update ActiveCampaign contacts from emails processed by mailparser.io

Add or update ActiveCampaign contacts from emails processed by mailparser.io
  • Mailparser logo
  • ActiveCampaign logo
Mailparser + ActiveCampaign

Create meetings and events from emails

The back-and-forth involved in setting up a meeting over email can be exhausting. "Does Tuesday at 2 p.m. work for you?" and "I'm free on Friday at 11" feel like they run on repeat. And even once you've settled on a time, you still have to create a new meeting in your calendar and add invitees. 

Why not create an automated workflow to act as your assistant and take some scheduling work off your plate? You can use Mailparser to extract crucial information from your email conversations—like a meeting date, time, and attendees. Then, these Zaps turn that extracted data from Mailparser into new events in your Google or Outlook calendar. 

Create Google Calendar events from emails parsed by mailparser.io

Create Google Calendar events from emails parsed by mailparser.io
  • Mailparser logo
  • Google Calendar logo
Mailparser + Google Calendar

Create events in Microsoft Outlook from new parsed emails in Mailparser

Create events in Microsoft Outlook from new parsed emails in Mailparser
  • Mailparser logo
  • Microsoft Outlook logo
Mailparser + Microsoft Outlook

Use webhooks to connect Mailparser to your other tools

If you're inspired to create a Mailparser automation but your favorite tool doesn't (yet!) have a Zapier integration, you can use a webhook instead. Webhooks are automated messages sent between apps when a triggering event happens. In this case, the trigger event would be a new parsed email in Mailparser. 

For example, say you use an obscure CRM or bespoke database tool. You can use a webhook to send email information from Mailparser to that app automatically. Use the template below to get started customizing your webhook action.

Create webhook post requests for new emails parsed by mailparser.io

Create webhook post requests for new emails parsed by mailparser.io
  • Mailparser logo
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
Mailparser + Webhooks by Zapier

Automate your email with Mailparser and Zapier

Mailparser makes it easy to extract information from emails, but you also need a reliable process for sending that data where it needs to go. Thankfully, Zapier can take care of that grunt work for you—whether you want to save emails to a spreadsheet or CRM, send notifications to your team, or create calendar events from emails. 

And this is just the start of what you can do with Mailparser and Zapier. What will you automate first?

Related reading:

  • Popular ways to automate your email

  • Email marketing automation ideas

  • How to automate email newsletters and drip campaigns

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'