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Automation for web development

By Zapier Editorial Team · October 1, 2018
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Web development is full of short scripts to help you get more done, faster. This set of Zaps will speed up your web development and let you focus on more important parts of building web and mobile applications.

Creating a Pull Request from Your Chat Room of Choice

If you live and breathe in your command line and chat rooms all day long, it's really handy to be able to just create a pull request from where you are, like with this Zap between GitHub and Slack.

Create GitHub issues from new Slack channel messages

Create GitHub issues from new Slack channel messages
  • Slack logo
  • GitHub logo
Slack + GitHub

You can also connect GitHub with Microsoft Teams or Google Hangouts Chat.

Email for Commits and Deployments

"Hey did that commit get deployed yet?" - Every web developer ever

Making sure members of your team are up to date on when things have been committed and when things are deployed isn't as easy as you'd think. And ultimately, humans will just ask the person in charge if they can't find the info fast.

The good news is you connect Gmail with GitHub using Zap to ping the whole team when new commits happen so they always have a reference for what's been shipped.

Other examples:

  • Gmail alerts for New Relic events like deployments

  • Email alert for Beanstalk commits

  • Send email for GitHub commits via Zapier

Getting Features, Stories, and Issues Where You Want Them

As a developer you likely have a certain app that you enjoy to work out of. It could be GitHub, Trello, Sprintly, Pivotal Tracker...you get the gist. But just because that's where you like to work, it doesn't mean that everyone across all functions of the business works in that tool.

So that leaves you to finding a way to get your tasks into your tool of choice. This can easily be done through any number of Zaps. A good example would be creating a Sprint.ly defect from a GitHub issue, but there's plenty of other Zaps that will suit a similar purpose.

Add new Pivotal Tracker stories to GitHub as new issues

Add new Pivotal Tracker stories to GitHub as new issues
  • Pivotal Tracker logo
  • GitHub logo
Pivotal Tracker + GitHub

Create GitHub issues from new or moved Trello cards

Create GitHub issues from new or moved Trello cards
  • Trello logo
  • GitHub logo
Trello + GitHub

Using Webhooks To Hook Any Tool Up

If you've ever found yourself wanting to hook some app up to some other app it's definitely not always super easy. At a minimum you'll have to setup an environment to power authentication and the request/response cycle which, depending on the site or the API, can be easier said than done.

Zapier's built-in webhooks let you hook up any site or API without writing much code. It's perfect for those odd one-off jobs. A great example is setting up email alerts for activity in an app or a site. Take a few minutes to spin up this Zap and you can be back to other business.

Send new caught webhook data to another webhook

Send new caught webhook data to another webhook
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
Webhooks by Zapier

Add info to a Google Sheet from new Webhook POST requests

Add info to a Google Sheet from new Webhook POST requests
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Webhooks by Zapier + Google Sheets

Create POST webhooks for new email messages

Create POST webhooks for new email messages
  • Email by Zapier logo
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
Email by Zapier + Webhooks by Zapier

Track and Monitor Site Up/Down Time

We all know the drill. Sites go down for whatever reason and we need to know about it first.

You can easily use Zaps that connect Pingdom to Campfire, which will post to your Campfire room any time a Pingdom alert goes off about your site.

Create Google Sheets rows from New Relic alerts

Create Google Sheets rows from New Relic alerts
  • New Relic logo
  • Google Sheets logo
New Relic + Google Sheets

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'