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How the Bootstrapped Dollar Flight Club Uses Zapier to Manage Leads

By Joey Blanco · June 27, 2018
create-hubspot-leads-typeform primary img

As a small and scrappy remote startup, Dollar Flight Club likes to keep everyone productive. When you bootstrap your business into existence, like Dollar Flight Club, there's a bit of responsibility overlap, at least at first. An engineer you hire to build an app might wind up creating a few custom reports or connections for the sales and marketing folks.

Zapier has been absolutely game changing.

Kyle Maltz, director of sales and partnerships, Dollar Flight Club

As engineering demands pile up, it becomes harder to grab those resources for one-off projects on other teams. But the resourceful team at Dollar Flight Club found a way to leave the engineers alone while also doing more work and saving time: App automator Zapier.

"Zapier makes it easy to execute on large problems," says Kyle Maltz, director of sales and partnerships at Dollar Flight Club. "No more relying on a developer's time to solve these problems—the developer can just focus on the product instead!"

About Dollar Flight Club

Traveling costs a lot, especially if you find yourself flying across the globe. Dollar Flight Club founder Jesse Neugarten spent a lot of time racking up miles, standing in airport lines, and in the air. The hacks and tips he learned during years of travel Jesse now shares with Dollar Flight Club's 500,000+ subscribers.

Dollar Flight Club

When the Dollar Flight Club team finds a deal, they email their subscribers. On average, these emails save subscribers $550 per ticket. Whether it's travel hacks or clever workflows, Dollar Flight Club was built on the notion of working smarter.

Manage HubSpot Contacts and Deals with Automation

Every business needs leads—but there's no one right way to collect and manage them. It comes down to what makes the most sense for the business. One of Dollar Flight Club's main uses of Zapier is for lead collection, but not just any leads:

"We specifically use it for new lead generation on the advertising side of our business," Kyle explains. "We get our advertising leads to fill out a media request or advertising request form."

This is where Zapier will come in: With a few Zaps—our term for automatic workflows—Kyle designed a process that adds the advertising leads to a customer relationship manager (CRM). From there, the team can monitor the status, create deals, and move the lead through their advertising workflow.

While Dollar Flight Club's leads are oriented towards advertising in this case, these tools and Zaps will work wonders for any type of lead you need to collect and manage.

Dollar Flight Club's Tools



Used For:



Lead generation; press & partner inquiries



Contact creation & management

HubSpot CRM


Deal creation & management



Team chat

The Workflows

With just three simple Zaps, Kyle and the Dollar Flight Club team created workflows that they could manage themselves—no need to pull the developers off their projects. Plus, the Zaps save the team "an unmeasurable amount of time," as Kyle puts it.

First, there are two Zaps that take leads from the form to a CRM. Dollar Flight Club uses Typeform and embeds the form on their site.


Once someone interested in Dollar Flight Club fills out that form, Zapier takes the information and sends it along to both HubSpot—where the Zap creates a contact—and HubSpot CRM—to create a deal.

Once the deal and contact are created, another Zap runs. This one sends the lead to Dollar Flight Club's chat tool of choice, Slack.

"These Zaps allow us to funnel new leads into our pipeline and clearly communicate in real-time that they're being added to the funnel," Kyle says. "It gives us the correct information to efficiently execute on them."

Dollar Flight Club uses these Zaps to work smarter and you can too:

Create or update HubSpot contacts for new Typeform entries

Create or update HubSpot contacts for new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • HubSpot logo
Typeform + HubSpot

Create new deals and contacts in HubSpot from Typeform responses

Create new deals and contacts in HubSpot from Typeform responses
  • Typeform logo
  • HubSpot logo
Typeform + HubSpot

Get Slack notifications for new Typeform entries

Get Slack notifications for new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • Slack logo
Typeform + Slack

With Zapier supporting them, the Dollar Flight Club team focuses on their customers and their product—the two most important things for any business. No more wasted time on manual tasks or having an engineer build a connection. Kyle and the team can do it all themselves with Zapier.

"Things just work the way we invision them working," Kyle says. "That used to be so hard to accomplish and I can't say it enough: Zapier has changed everything."

Want things to work smoothly and give your engineers their time back? Give Zapier a try for free.

What's your story? Tell us how you use Zapier to do more. You can also read even more customer stories and find new ways to improve your workflow and productivity.

All images courtesy of Dollar Flight Club.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'