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Databox: App of the day

By Krystina Martinez · September 3, 2020
Hero image for app of the day with the Databox logo on a turquoise background

Remember the early days of "there's an app for that"? Now we use way too many apps to do our jobs—and the excitement of trying something new has turned into some serious app fatigue. Plus, trying to get all that info in one place to track performance seems like an impossible task.

Databox makes the impossible possible. With more than 70 built-in integrations—from accounting software and help desk apps to customer relationship management (CRM) software and social media—Databox aggregates data from the most popular business apps to help you make important business decisions. Need to pull info from a Google Sheet or an SQL database? Databox can handle it.

You don't have to understand code to build your own dashboard. The Dashboard Designer allows anyone to pull in the metrics they need and visualize it how they want. You can drag-and-drop the most popular visualizations from the built-in library, or create your own. You have all sorts of options, from line graphs, pie charts, and more to create a dashboard that would make any data nerd weep.

Metrics matter, but it can be hard to figure out which ones to care about and how to calculate them. Databox calculates conversion rates, ROI, and other metrics based on aggregate data from all of your apps, so you don't have to do the custom calculations yourself.

Goals are a critical part of business strategy. Databox allows you to set goals for specific metrics, assign them to team members, and track progress toward goals in real time. Scorecards provide business performance updates and identify trends, so you're always in the loop.

With Databox, you can free yourself from hours of crunching metrics and spend more time focusing on your business goals.

You can automate your dashboards with Zapier's Databox integrations. Here are a few popular workflows to get you started.

Update Databox dashboards from new rows in Google Sheets

Update Databox dashboards from new rows in Google Sheets
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Databox logo
Google Sheets + Databox

Add new Trello activities to Databox

Add new Trello activities to Databox
  • Trello logo
  • Databox logo
Trello + Databox

Track the number of new JIRA issues over time in Databox

Track the number of new JIRA issues over time in Databox
  • Jira Software Server logo
  • Databox logo
Jira Software Server + Databox

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