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eCommerce Businesses Leverage Facebook Lead Ads to Connect with Customers

By Joey Blanco · December 6, 2017
ecommerce-facebook-lead-ads primary img

For any business, finding the right audience on social media isn't a simple task, let alone convincing said audience to click to your website, make a purchase, or sign up for a newsletter. But with Facebook Lead Ads, you'll advertise to folks already interested in your product, newsletter, or service—from within the social network they're already spending time in,

In part two of our series on Facebook Lead Ads, we're checking in with four eCommerce businesses to see how they utilize app automation tool Zapier with Facebook's homegrown lead ads to automatically keep in touch with new customers.

eCommerce Businesses Use Facebook Lead Ads to Stay In Touch

Quick and clear customer communication is an essential component of eCommerce; it builds loyalty in shoppers and establishes an online store's personality and brand. With Facebook Lead Ads and Zapier, eCommerce businesses have instant access to engaged customers, potential shoppers, and the curious web surfer.

We spoke with several different eCommerce companies, all in different industries, to see how they're connecting with new leads.

Use Marketing Automation to Follow Up with Leads

If you've been responsible for a marketing or sales campaign, you know that collecting the data to measure success can be as tedious as herding cats. Leads live in one system, email sign ups in another, downloads somewhere else.

Exporting new leads, sign ups,or downloads—and then uploading them to different systems—eats into productivity, and unless you wait until the end of the campaign, there's a good chance duplicate information might wind up in your CRM.

Cave Tools, crafters of barbeque and cooking tools, waited until they found Zapier before implementing Facebook Lead Ads:

"We didn't use Facebook Lead Ads until we found an automation solution like Zapier," explains Costin Geletu, Paid Traffic Manager at Cave Tools. "Now, it's a set-it-and-forget-it timesaver. Definitely a must have in any business."

Cave Tools pairs Facebook Lead Ads with email marketing software ActiveCampaign in a Zap—a bridge between two or more apps. As new leads come in from Facebook, Zapier adds those leads as new contacts in ActiveCampaign, priming them for a targeted, intelligent marketing strategy.

Add or update ActiveCampaign contacts with new Facebook Lead Ads leads

Add or update ActiveCampaign contacts with new Facebook Lead Ads leads
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • ActiveCampaign logo
Facebook Lead Ads + ActiveCampaign

Send New Leads a Text Message

Fortified Bicycle has more than a handful of excellent workflows you could steal. One thing you can't steal, though, is their bicycle.

The theft-proof bike company knows that seeing is believing for customers—in their homebase of Boston or any time they find themselves in another city, they'll run targeted Facebook Lead Ads offering test rides or drumming up interest.

When a potential rider and customer enters their phone number, Zapier sends them a text through Burst SMS.

"Using Zapier to [text] makes it so the experience really feels magical to the end user, because they say, 'Yes, here's my phone number,' and then a few minutes later they get a text message from us. Most people write back, which was pretty cool to find out and pleasantly surprising," Vlad Pick, COO and co-founder, says.

Impress your new leads with Fortified Bicycles' lead texting workflow and engage potential customers instantly:

Send new Facebook Lead Ads leads SMS messages via Burst SMS

Send new Facebook Lead Ads leads SMS messages via Burst SMS
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • Burst SMS logo
Facebook Lead Ads + Burst SMS

Add New Leads to Salesforce Automatically

Who wouldn't want to customize their engagement ring? It adds an extra layer of sentimentality, plus, you and your partner can work together to design the ring. Taylor and Hart specializes in custom engagement rings and use a robust, automated workflow to manage customer contact.

With Zapier, Taylor and Hart bring the new leads from Facebook into Salesforce and create opportunities. These opportunities are updated as the lead moves through the different stages of ring customization and it all happens automatically.

"Zapier is a part of the company culture—it’s how things get done," says Nikolay Piriankov, CEO of Taylor and Hart. Give Taylor and Hart's workflow a try and you might find Zapier becomes a part of your culture, too.

Add new Facebook Lead Ads leads as leads in Salesforce

Add new Facebook Lead Ads leads as leads in Salesforce
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • Salesforce logo
Facebook Lead Ads + Salesforce

Create new leads and opportunities in Salesforce from Facebook Lead Ads

Create new leads and opportunities in Salesforce from Facebook Lead Ads
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • Salesforce logo
Facebook Lead Ads + Salesforce

eSight Eyewear set itself a lofty and noble goal: Bring vision to the visually impaired. Astonishingly enough, they do.

Using Facebook Lead Ads, eSight finds people they can help and, to follow up properly with everything from a consultation to a demo, funnels their new leads into Salesforce and creates new contact records.

When new eSight leads enter their information on Facebook, Zapier creates an account in Salesforce—after first checking if the contact doesn't already exist, to avoid duplicates, via a Filter by Zapier step.

on our blog.

Create Salesforce contacts from new Facebook Lead Ads leads

Create Salesforce contacts from new Facebook Lead Ads leads
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • Salesforce logo
Facebook Lead Ads + Salesforce

Create accounts and contacts in Salesforce from new Facebook Lead Ads

Create accounts and contacts in Salesforce from new Facebook Lead Ads
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • Filter by Zapier logo
  • Salesforce logo
Facebook Lead Ads + Filter by Zapier + Salesforce

No matter what industry you might be in, if you sell online, Facebook Lead Ads can improve the way you interact with your customers. Experiment a little! Find a unique way to use Facebook Lead Ads and then let us know about it so we can share it with other Zapier users.

Author's Note: You should also check out part one to read up on how real estate agents use Facebook Lead Ads.

What's your story? Tell us how you use Zapier to do more. You can also read even more customer stories and find new ways to improve your workflow and productivity.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'