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How small businesses use Keap Max Classic and Zapier to save time—and money

By Joey Blanco · April 30, 2019
Hero image with the Keap and Zapier logos connected by dots

It's easy for a small business to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of apps and tools available for every aspect of a business. You have customer relationship management (CRM) systems where leads and notes live; sales automation tools to move leads from one stage to another; email marketing tools for newsletters and campaigns—and on and on.

But the savviest small business owners know you can use all-in-one marketing and sales automation tool Keap Max Classic with app automator Zapier to cut costs and reduce the time it takes to manage the whole process.

Here's how a few of Zapier's users combine Keap Max Classic's features with our library of over 1,400 apps to make their work more efficient and their days more productive.

New to Infusionsoft and Zapier? Unlock a free 90-day trial of Zapier by heading to the Zapier tab in the Infusionsoft navigation menu. Use the ideas in this post to build workflows that speed up your busy work and help you get more done.

Create contacts from form entries

Zapier unlocked functionality that would have otherwise been cost-prohibitive: merging Typeform responses with the appropriate Infusionsoft user records so we can keep track of client feedback.

Dan Russell, Lead Strategist, Synduit

Companies and products alike grow through feedback. Synduit, a content and virtual marketing company, actively seeks out feedback from their clients to make sure the content they produce—as well as their other offerings—meet and surpass expectations, and to see if there's any room for improvement.

In order to keep track of which client gave what feedback, the team at Synduit uses Keap Max Classic. In Keap, they collect clients, tag them, and trigger certain workflows depending on that tag.

To collect feedback, they use Typeform, sending forms to their clients as needed. When a client submits a response, a Zap, which is an automated workflow powered by Zapier, automatically runs, searching Keap Max Classic for the client—and creating one when it doesn't exist—and adding the feedback to their record.

Create or update Keap Max Classic contacts from new Typeform entries

Create or update Keap Max Classic contacts from new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • Keap Max Classic logo
Typeform + Keap Max Classic

Over at Project Warrior, a fitness program based in the UK, founder Kyle Genner also uses Keap Max Classic to manage his contacts, new and old. He uses a Wufoo form to schedule consultations with potential clients:

"Once the client completes the application in Wufoo, Zapier creates the contact in Keap Max Classic and applies a 'hot lead' tag to it," he explains. He uses another Zap to send a text to the client, where they can book a call. If they don't? Keap Max Classic comes into play again: "If they don't book a call, they're then sent a series of follow-up emails via Keap Max Classic."

With a little automation, Kyle ensures every lead either books a consultation or gets a few emails, just to be safe.

Create Keap Max Classic contacts from new Wufoo entries

Create Keap Max Classic contacts from new Wufoo entries
  • Wufoo logo
  • Keap Max Classic logo
Wufoo + Keap Max Classic

For product engineering consultation firm YP3 Solutions, using resources and tools that are the best-in-class comes naturally: They seek out the best tools to aid their clients' R&D departments and engineering needs.

YP3 Solutions builds completely customizable web forms with Formsite. When the team gets a response, Zapier sends it to Keap Max Classic, creating a contact. Zapier will also add a tag to the contact in Keap Max Classic, which triggers one of the workflows they've built within Keap Max Classic.

"It would be a full-time job managing all of the data to keep several campaigns going at once," says Jeremiah Harrison, digital marketing specialist. Instead of a person manually transferring information, this one Zap does it all, saving people power for the important work of assisting clients.

Add or update Keap Max Classic contacts with Formsite form results

Add or update Keap Max Classic contacts with Formsite form results
  • Formsite logo
  • Keap Max Classic logo
Formsite + Keap Max Classic

Automatically manage leads

Getting new leads is a lot like adopting a bundle of kittens: Fun at first—but as more start showing up, the effort and time to manage increases at an exponential rate. So, why not take the manual out of lead management, like New Meta does?

New Meta uses Zapier to send new leads from Facebook into Keap Max Classic once a lead finishes filling out the Facebook lead ad form.

All leads are not created equal. Learn how to use Zapier to segment leads and tag them in Infusionsoft with this tutorial.

Create or update Keap Max Classic contacts from new Facebook Lead Ads leads

Create or update Keap Max Classic contacts from new Facebook Lead Ads leads
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • Keap Max Classic logo
Facebook Lead Ads + Keap Max Classic

Now that these new leads exist, why not share the good news with the rest of the team? With these Zaps, you can instantly notify your team or an individual in Slack. It's an easy, trackable way to maintain a feed of new leads in Slack, where anyone can come in and see the funnel at work.

These are also an easy way to celebrate wins: When sharing in Slack or via email, add in a celebratory gif or emoji (or three). Sharing leads doesn't just have to be about the numbers—it's good for the company morale, too.

Send Slack messages for new tagged Keap Max Classic contacts

Send Slack messages for new tagged Keap Max Classic contacts
  • Keap Max Classic logo
  • Slack logo
Keap Max Classic + Slack

Send Gmail emails to new tagged Keap Max Classic contacts

Send Gmail emails to new tagged Keap Max Classic contacts
  • Keap Max Classic logo
  • Gmail logo
Keap Max Classic + Gmail

Jeremiah at YP3 Solutions uses another straightforward integration between Keap Max Classic and online scheduler Calendly to make sure new leads know when their appointment is approaching.

He explains it best: "I use Zapier to take date and times from the Calendly app, load them into custom fields in Keap Max Classic, and then send reminders from Keap Max Classic field timers counting down to the appointment with unique, personalized emails."

It's a great way to ensure your lead doesn't forget the meeting, which always increases your chances of closing a deal.

Create or update Keap Max Classic contacts from new Calendly events

Create or update Keap Max Classic contacts from new Calendly events
  • Calendly logo
  • Keap Max Classic logo
Calendly + Keap Max Classic

Tag existing Keap Max Classic contacts with new Calendly meetings

Tag existing Keap Max Classic contacts with new Calendly meetings
  • Calendly logo
  • Keap Max Classic logo
Calendly + Keap Max Classic

When you combine two powerful tools like Keap Max Classic and Zapier, and throw in our thousands of partner apps, there's no limit to the work you can accomplish with simple, automated workflows.

Want to combine the powers of Keap Max Classic with the easy automation of Zapier? Give Zapier a try for free.

What's your story? Tell us how you use Zapier to do more. You can also read even more customer stories and find new ways to improve your workflow and productivity.

Note: Keap by Infusionsoft is now called Keap Max Classic. We've updated this article to reflect the new name.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'