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A Growth Engineer at Livestorm Closes More Leads with Marketing Automation

By Joey Blanco · January 3, 2018
livestorm-enrich-leads-clearbi primary img

Data flows through your web applications and tools as swiftly as the Amazon river. How customers use a product, who they are, and how they came to know you—all that information is there. The most clever businesses catch as much of that data as they can and put it to work. More thorough customer data leads to better, more targeted messages. That, in turn, can increase sales, product interaction, and referrals.

For Livestorm, a webinar platform, better data means catering content to subscribers and more closed sales. Using over 10 marketing applications, Livestorm's tech stack has to run efficiently. Otherwise, all that data sits unused.


"While some of the apps have native integrations, we rely on [app automation tool] Zapier a lot for more advanced workflows," Thibaut Davoult, Growth Engineer at Livestorm, explains. Learn about Livestorm's advanced, data-driven workflows and use them for your own marketing automation.

Automatically Find and Add Customer Data to Leads

When a potential customer wants a demo of Livestorm's webinar capabilities, naturally, Livestorm hosts a webinar. The real magic starts once the attendee signs up for a demo. The Livestorm team built a multi-step Zap—our term for a bridge between two or more apps—to take the registrants' information and turn them into leads.

That's a simple enough process. Livestorm gets more in depth by adding data-enriching program Clearbit into the Zap. Clearbit looks up customer and company information by email address. It'll find social media pages for the company, industry, attendee's department, and more—if you need it, there's a good chance Clearbit will find it.

When Livestorm's webinar ends, Zapier filters out from the attendee list all the registrants, so leads aren't created for employees. Next, Zapier sends each registrant's email address to Clearbit.

With the registrant's information from Clearbit, Zapier then creates a lead in customer relationship manager (CRM), Pipedrive. Next, Zapier adds the registrant as an email subscriber in Drip and triggers an event (Drip's own automated workflows).

Finally, Zapier adds the registrant to a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Livestorm automatically updates this sheet after the webinar, too, to note which registrants attended and which to re-market to.

Since this workflow is complex, we broke it down into several pieces. Adapt elements to your existing workflow and you can save time and energy too:

    Create deals in Pipedrive for new Livestorm registrants

    Create deals in Pipedrive for new Livestorm registrants
    • Livestorm logo
    • Pipedrive logo
    Livestorm + Pipedrive

    Create Drip events when webinars end in Livestorm

    Create Drip events when webinars end in Livestorm
    • Livestorm logo
    • Drip logo
    Livestorm + Drip

    Subscribe all Livestorm webinar attendees to Drip campaigns

    Subscribe all Livestorm webinar attendees to Drip campaigns
    • Livestorm logo
    • Drip logo
    Livestorm + Drip

    Save new Livestorm registrants to rows in Google Sheets spreadsheets

    Save new Livestorm registrants to rows in Google Sheets spreadsheets
    • Livestorm logo
    • Google Sheets logo
    Livestorm + Google Sheets

    Enrich Livestorm webinar attendees with social and company info from Clearbit and log in Google Sheets rows

    Enrich Livestorm webinar attendees with social and company info from Clearbit and log in Google Sheets rows
    • Livestorm logo
    • Clearbit logo
    • Google Sheets logo
    Livestorm + Clearbit + Google Sheets


    With this workflow, Livestorm created a smart marketing process. With the information Clearbit provides joined with Zapier's automation, the Livestorm team sends better emails and closes more leads.

    "We're closing new customers by improving every step of our acquisition funnel," Thibaut says. "Both thanks to the data we gather—helped by Zapier—and to the time saved not having to do it all by hand."

    What's your story? Tell us how you use Zapier to do more. You can also read even more customer stories and find new ways to improve your workflow and productivity.

    All images courtesy of Livestorm.

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    A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'