Hey there, Zapier aficionados! Buckle up for the ride because February was nothing short of a rollercoaster of improvements for us.
At Zapier, your experience is our priority. That's why when we level up the reliability, speed, and security of our integrations and Zaps, we feel like we've hit a home run providing value for our users.
Every update, feature, or fix we rolled out in the last month was driven by your feedback, the ever-evolving tech landscape, and our goal to simplify your work. Any integration, no matter how new, always has room for growth. So, February was all about transforming great into excellent.
Here's how we got to 320:
We added 177 new features. Ask and you shall receive! Driven by your requests, these new features are all about making your life easier.
We fixed or eliminated 143 issues. Every improvement means a smoother experience when you use Zapier.
Overall, we updated 147 different integrations. These updates are all about ensuring our platform remains robust, reliable, and responsive to your needs.
The top categories that got better in February 2024
Social media account tools are about more than just managing contacts—they're about building relationships. Updates to our social media account integrations like Facebook and Twitter ensure your team can nurture relationships effortlessly. From tracking leads to managing communications, these integrations are built to empower your team.
Marketing automation is the linchpin of a successful campaign. Our updates in February to HubSpot, ActiveCampaign, and Klaviyo were designed to ensure marketers could easily create, execute, and track campaigns with precision.
CRM (customer relationship management) tools are the unsung heroes of business. Our CRM updates were all about the need for speed, efficiency, and reliability. This is especially true for HubSpot, which launched in 2023, and Salesforce, which has experienced consistent integration updates since its launch. Whether you're storing data or retrieving it, our integrations ensure it's a breeze.
App spotlight: Asana—more than just task management
Asana is more than task management: it's the go-to for professionals worldwide because of its holistic approach to productivity. Asana streamlines project management and collaboration, enabling teams to organize tasks, track progress, and meet deadlines efficiently. Its user-friendly interface and robust features facilitate clear communication and project transparency, making it easier for teams to align on goals and priorities.
Improvements over time
From March 2022 to February 2024, our Asana integration has evolved to meet the demands of a modern professional. We've introduced features that make task management a breeze, project scheduling intuitive, and team tracking effortless.
Most used new triggers & actions
Our February updates introduced triggers and actions that redefine task management:
New Task offers a dynamic way to organize tasks, ensuring you never miss out on critical work items.
Create Subtask simplifies task management, ensuring you always have the correct tasks at your fingertips.
Update Task ensures your tasks are always up to date and accurate.
Updated Task keeps you informed about changes to your tasks.
Tag Added to Task helps you categorize and organize your tasks effectively.
Add Task to Section of Project allows you to manage your projects more efficiently.
Visit our App Directory to start automating Asana now.
App spotlight: Intercom—more than just customer communication
Intercom revolutionizes customer support and engagement by offering personalized communication channels that lets companies interact with their customers in real time. Its sophisticated analytics and segmentation capabilities empower businesses to understand customer needs better and tailor their services to improve customer loyalty.
Improvements over time
From July 2022 to February 2024, our Intercom integration has evolved to meet the needs of today's businesses. We've introduced features that streamline customer communication and bring the power of AI to this already powerful integration.
Most used new triggers & actions
Our updates introduced triggers and actions that redefine customer communication:
Send Message to Contact offers a dynamic way to communicate with customers, ensuring you never miss out on critical communications,
In addition, we've also improved Add/Remove Tag and enabled Custom Actions, which allows you to ask an AI bot to create additional actions.
Visit our App Directory to start automating Intercom now.
Supercharge your Asana and Intercom workflows
Ready to use these new triggers and actions in your automated workflows? Visit our App Directory to start automating Intercom or automating Asana today.
Or, if you're ready to supercharge your customer service, try connecting the two apps with the power of Zapier's workflows.
Imagine you're a customer service manager using Intercom to manage customer communications. A customer sends a message via Intercom with a complex issue that needs to be resolved by your technical team. Instead of manually creating a task in Asana and copying all the details from Intercom, you can automate this process with Zapier.
See how you can connect Asana and Intercom now.
Get ready for more innovations
February was a month of significant strides at Zapier. We've made numerous improvements to our platform, all with the aim of helping you streamline your tasks and enhance your productivity.
As we continue to innovate and improve, we're excited to see how you'll utilize these new features and updates to make your work easier. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming months. Until then, happy Zapping!