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Balance sales outreach and research with Seamless.AI

By Miguel Rebelo · July 10, 2023
Hero image with the Seamless.AI logo

Increasing your odds with leads has a lot to do with research. You spend hours putting together information about them: their current email, phone number, social media accounts, news, and PR statements. And while you may feel like you're progressing, if you're not reaching out and following up, you're not moving forward at all.

This is where Seamless.AI can help. It has a set of tools that take care of research for you, reducing the time needed to get ready for outreach. This way, you can find a perfect balance between research and action, without being either paralyzed by too much digging or failing to persuade by lacking relevant information.

What is Seamless.AI?

Seamless.AI recommended companies

At its core, Seamless.AI is a sales intelligence tool that leverages AI technology to crawl the web in real time, collecting data on contacts and companies.

As soon as you onboard, the first step is to set up your ideal customer profile. This ensures that the leads you discover align with your target audience. As soon as you complete this step, you'll get a list of recommended contacts to get started with.

On the Search tab, you can set filters for contacts and companies. Doing so will help narrow down the 1.9-billion lead library into a more manageable number of prospects. As you find new contacts, you can sort them into lists, letting you segment them for personalizing your message or for organizing contact waves.

Ok, you have a list of leads. What's next? When you click the Find button for each of them, Seamless.AI's engine will crawl the web to find the contact details, giving you up-to-date emails, phone numbers, and social profiles. And you can run similar searches to find all the contacts within a company, so you can figure out who's the decision-maker there.

You'll notice that as you go about your prospecting day, your daily goal is ticking up at the top of your screen. These simple gamification features keep track of your daily streak, your progress towards your lead goals, and a leaderboard to promote a bit of healthy competition within your team. And when you hit a big target, smash that gong to make celebratory dollar bills fly.

Less prospecting, more deal-making

Finding the balance between research and action is important, but still, each sales team has a different problem to tackle. When starting out, you may still need to find that product-market fit; later in that journey, you need to scale and improve efficiency; and when you're running a big team, you need to move from tactics to strategy and build stronger relationships with your leads.

Seamless.AI's toolkit has an answer for every step of the way.

No idea which companies you should target? During onboarding, Seamless.AI will ask you a few useful questions to find your target audience. It'll ask which departments you're looking to target and what's the company size. From there, it puts together a list of daily contact recommendations, so you'll have a starting list of people.

Got an old CSV? People move around, companies pivot, and emails change. Your databases aren't as agile, and that's why Seamless.AI offers an enrichment feature, helping validate all the information you have—and even add extra details on top. You can then update emails and contact details, making sure that your messages won't end up in tumbleweed town.

Talking to leads that don't have decision power? Identify the decision-makers in a company by clicking on the company card and opening the Org Chart, so you can quickly target whoever has the power to move forward with the solution you're proposing.

Not sure what makes your prospects tick? You can explore Intent, a paid feature, that shows you what topics your leads are researching online. This way, you can see if they're already considering your products or services, or glean the kinds of challenges they're facing so you can build highly tailored deals.

This will help you spend less time figuring out what the next step is and more time actually taking it, with the confidence that you're talking to the right people at all times.

Research your leads with Pitch Intelligence

Pitch Intelligence in Seamless.AI

When you show that you understand your leads' problems and that you have a solution to offer, they're much more likely to hit the reply button. Seamless.AI improves the likelihood that this will happen by offering a set of features it calls Pitch Intelligence.

Despite the name, you won't find a button or tab within the app to access these tools. In reality, Pitch Intelligence lives within company detail cards. When you go to the Search > Companies tab and click on any of them, you'll be able to see a wealth of useful information:

  • The basics, such as company description, size, address, and revenue.

  • The organizational chart, displaying who's who within the company. You can browse by seniority or by department.

  • A list of the company's technologies, in case you're trying to sell a specific solution for one of their tools or an alternative.

  • A breakdown of top website keywords, down to traffic analysis.

  • And an analysis of intent, letting you know if people within the company are researching your exact product/service or if they're considering the competition.

This saves at least a dozen Google searches and a storm of copy/pasting in a spreadsheet. By having all the information right here, you can start adapting your outreach email to connect with your leads' current circumstances, opening up the possibilities to actually get a reply and start building a deal.

Reaching out to leads with generative AI

Seamless.AI generative AI

If you've been doing outreach for long, you already have a pack of templates and strategies to put together an enticing cold email. But if that's not the case—or if you want to switch it up from time to time—Seamless.AI offers generative AI directly within the platform. It adopts a similar interface to that of ChatGPT, the main difference being that the prompts are already figured out for you and adapted to sales challenges.

You'll find everything in the Writer tab on the left-side menu. While there, add the details about your business, and select one of the prompts from the library:

  • Cold Call Script introduces your company and the key benefits of the services and products that you offer.

  • Voicemail crafts a customer success story so you can drop it over the phone.

  • Sales Email is a heightened cold call script, this time expanding on the unique value proposition of your company, pain points of your target audience, and an invitation to connect.

  • There are two prompts for LinkedIn as well, one for connection request messages and another for standard messaging.

  • Social Media Post will produce a post you can share on your accounts.

  • Text Message will put together a short, punchy message to promote upcoming events.

  • Follow-Up Email helps getting in touch with people who haven't replied yet to your first email, or who attended your events or webinars but didn't take action.

  • Upsell/Cross-Sell Email raises awareness about other products and services that may be interesting for your leads.

One important note: these are just starting prompts. You need to tweak and customize each of them to steer the generative AI to fit your company information, products, and services. You can do so by clicking Include About Me Details in the input field.

As you chat, you'll see the conversation saved on the left, so you can reference it in the future as you need new tweaks or more inspiration. Found what you need? Click Copy on the top-right of the output box, and take that text to wherever you need it.

The Writer feature comes with five free credits. Every message you send out costs one credit, no matter if it's in a new conversation or an existing one. If you find it essential, you can subscribe for $20 per month, granting you 100 credits that'll let you prompt for a lot longer.

Automate prospecting with Seamless.AI and Zapier

Seamless.AI knows that the real action happens elsewhere: your CRM. That's where the contacts join the pipeline and where you manage the blow-by-blow progress of your sales efforts. You can send over this information to giants like Salesforce and HubSpot and plenty of middleweights like Zoho CRM, Pipedrive, or Insightly. 

But that's not the end of it. Seamless.AI also integrates with Zapier, letting you connect it to all your other work apps, like automatically adding Seamless.AI contacts to a Google Sheet. Take a look at how to automate Seamless.AI with Zapier, or use one of these pre-built workflows to get started.

Create Google Sheets Rows for New Seamless.AI Contacts

Create Google Sheets Rows for New Seamless.AI Contacts
  • Seamless AI logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Seamless AI + Google Sheets

Add new contacts in Seamless AI to Zoho CRM modules

Add new contacts in Seamless AI to Zoho CRM modules
  • Seamless AI logo
  • Zoho CRM logo
Seamless AI + Zoho CRM

Create records in Airtable from new contacts in Seamless AI

Create records in Airtable from new contacts in Seamless AI
  • Seamless AI logo
  • Airtable logo
Seamless AI + Airtable

Create new tasks in Asana for new leads in Seamless.AI

Create new tasks in Asana for new leads in Seamless.AI
  • Seamless AI logo
  • Asana logo
Seamless AI + Asana

What does Seamless.AI do?

You're in sales, not forensic investigation. Stop scraping the obscure corners of the web for that VP of Marketing's best email address—that's a waste of your talents. Seamless.AI can take care of that for you while you put together more relevant, targeted messages to connect with your prospects. And once that happens, you'll be in a much better position to take that relationship all the way to closed won.

Related reading:

  • How to streamline sales with AI and automation

  • How to enrich lead info from sales forms with OpenAI

  • The best AI scheduling assistants

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'