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How Zapier Helps Authors Reach Their Audience

By Joey Blanco · December 29, 2017
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The hardest part of writing is actually sitting down and writing. If you're an author intending to publish your work, the second hardest part of writing is publishing. Not only do you need to tackle whether to go digital or physical, but where can you publish your work? Do you self-publish? How do you market to your audience?

Author Remake helps new authors publish and find the right market. Started and run by writer Alinka Rutkowska, Author Remake bridges the gap between publishing a story and making sure it finds an audience.

But in order to help aspiring writers, Alinka has to first find her audience and reach them. To help boost her SEO efforts, she uses Facebook Lead Ads to target authors who would be interested in her services on the social media platform. Once she has new leads, she uses GetResponse to send emails and market to them—and adds a bit of urgency thanks to Deadline Funnel's countdown timers.

Alinka speaking at the Best Seller Summit.

Keep reading to steal Alinka's workflows and find new ways to turn your leads into paying customers.

Add Urgency to New Leads

One of the products Alinka offers, the 5-Figure Author Challenge, connects writers with over 25 experts in the world of publishing and marketing so they can learn how to get their work in front of a broad audience. One of the first steps in making those connections, however, is advertising.

With Facebook Lead Ads, Alinka shares the 5-Figure Author Challenge far and wide. She does this automatically using app automation tool, Zapier. When a new lead arrives from Facebook, Zapier automatically creates a contact in GetResponse.

Add new Facebook Lead Ads leads to GetResponse as new contacts

Add new Facebook Lead Ads leads to GetResponse as new contacts
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • GetResponse logo
Facebook Lead Ads + GetResponse

With leads in GetResponse, Alinka's Zap (a workflow between two or more apps) automates emails to her clients and starts them on a countdown with Deadline Funnel. These countdowns let the customer know how much time is left before the next session begins, often prompting leads to sign up and become customers.


Set up deadlines in Deadline Funnel for new GetResponse contacts

Set up deadlines in Deadline Funnel for new GetResponse contacts
  • GetResponse logo
  • Deadline Funnel logo
GetResponse + Deadline Funnel

Using these Zaps, Alinka keeps her day-to-day operation nimble and efficient. Instead of chasing leads, she spends this extra time championing authors: Another company of hers, LibraryBub, helps independent writers place their books in libraries. With a few automated workflows behind her, Alinka makes it easier for writers to find their books a home.

What's your story? Tell us how you use Zapier to do more. You can also read even more customer stories and find new ways to improve your workflow and productivity.

All images courtesy of Author Remake.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'