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12 examples of corporate social responsibility done right

And how to build your own CSR strategy

By Luke Strauss · September 18, 2024
Hero image with an icon of an earth, person, and tree for corporate social responsibility

A few years ago, my parents switched toilet paper brands. While this is surely fascinating information for you personally, it's relevant here because they switched to "Who Gives A Crap," a company that donates 50% of its profits to building toilets and improving sanitation in developing countries.

Developing a business model around different types of corporate social responsibility is a great way to use our speck of time on earth to change the world for the better—while still making a profit.

After exploring lots of brands that use this strategy well, I compiled some of my favorite corporate social responsibility examples. These businesses do good for others while still doing good for themselves.

Table of contents:

  • What is corporate social responsibility?

  • Corporate social responsibility examples

    • Ben & Jerry's

    • Who Gives A Crap

    • Tom's of Maine

    • TomboyX

    • Allbirds

    • Rent the Runway

    • Hive

    • BLK + GRN

    • Patagonia

    • Cariuma

    • Giv Coffee

    • The Loading Dock

  • Types of CSR

  • How to build a CSR business model

  • Corporate social responsibility FAQ

What is corporate social responsibility (CSR)?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business model where for-profit organizations use company resources to benefit society while still pursuing corporate goals.

You've certainly heard of "the bottom line" in the corporate world—it's all about profit. CSR-oriented companies abide by a "triple bottom line" that encompasses two other "P" words: people, whether that be the company's employees or the population at large, and the planet, incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into their operations.

Many CSR-focused companies are Certified B Corporations, meeting very high standards of positive social and environmental impact set by the nonprofit network B Lab. But you can practice corporate social responsibility, certified or not. Here's what corporate social responsibility may look like in action:

  • Sustainable manufacturing

  • Fair wages

  • Social justice advocacy

  • Product innovation for environmental or social issues

  • Carbon footprint reduction

  • Donating significant profits to charity

12 corporate social responsibility examples

There are companies that throw half a percent of their earnings at a random charity, and then there are those that build their entire business model around societal advancement and really get their hands dirty. Here are 12 socially responsible companies that inspire with their CSR.

1. Ben & Jerry's

Ben & Jerry's commitment to social justice is just about as sweet as a pint of Half Baked®. As a B Corp, it's committed to using its ice cream to change the world for the better. For example, it invests heavily in building relationships with Black-owned and refugee-hiring suppliers.

But the brand didn't jump right into the deep end from its inception. From its humble beginnings in the late 1970s until today, the company has gradually advocated for more causes, now including voter rights, climate justice, LGBTQ+ rights, and many more—all while maintaining its brand presence.

Screenshot showing Ben and Jerry's initiatives towards human rights and dignity, social and economic justice and environmental protection, restoration and regeneration


  • Gradually take on new social initiatives rather than spreading your resources too thin all at once.

  • Develop an approachable personality for your brand through your tone and design.

2. Who Gives A Crap

After learning about the brand's mission, I certainly started giving a crap. Who Gives A Crap takes the shame out of (and adds some humor to) "going number two," humanizing itself as a brand.

But the brand name and tone aren't what make it a socially responsible company. The founders are committed to building toilets and improving sanitation in developing countries to the point that they devote 50% of their profits to this mission, hence their status as a B Corp.

Like many other companies with great CSR, they also strive to be environmentally friendly, using plastic-free products and using sustainable materials like bamboo and recycled paper to manufacture toilet paper (among other paper products like tissues and paper towels).

Screenshot from the Who Gives a Crap website showing how the lack access to clean water and toilets impacts people around the world


  • CSR doesn't have to be serious stuff. Be authentic and honest with your brand's tone.

  • When expanding your brand's offerings, choose products that align with your other CSR objectives.

3. Tom's of Maine

If you've ever felt like there's no more room for innovation in your industry, think again. Tom's of Maine proved that a centuries-old industry (toothpaste) had more work to do by inventing the first recyclable toothpaste tube.

The company also exhibits transparency, providing detailed information about each of its ingredients so that consumers aren't left guessing what they're using to brush their teeth.

Tom's is also a great example of companies with high CSR standards banding together. The brand partners with TerraCycle, a recycling company, encouraging customers to recycle items that your average waste management company won't take in order to redeem for charity donations. Since both companies emphasize sustainability and eco-friendliness, they go together like mint and toothpaste.

Screenshot of Tom's of Maine tooth paste


  • When thinking about innovation, consider CSR—how can you innovate in a way that's also socially responsible?

  • Partner with relevant, like-minded organizations that also practice CSR.

4. TomboyX

Most retailers produce clothing with a few narrowly defined body types and presentations in mind. Most people don't fit those molds.

Queer-founded clothing brand TomboyX believes that everybody deserves to find a fit that makes them feel comfortable in their own skin. The company designs and manufactures clothing for all bodies and gender identities, keeping inclusivity at its core.

The company holds true to this value in its hiring practices as well, with 80% of its C-suite being women and 63% of managers identifying as LGBTQ+ and/or minority. The brand is also committed to sustainability, forming close relationships with its factories and striving to source organic and recyclable fabrics.

Screenshot of TomboyX CSR initiatives


  • Having personal experience with a social issue makes it far easier to build your business around it. Focus on what matters to you personally.

  • Develop hiring practices that reflect your company's commitment to CSR.

5. Allbirds

According to Allbirds, shoes and sustainability make a great pair (pun intended). The brand is currently carbon-neutral and aims to have zero emissions by 2030 through tactics like regenerative agriculture and using renewable materials. Plus, Allbirds' shoes are durable and machine washable, making them easy to freshen up and use for many more months.

The brand emphasizes sustainability not only in its production, but also in the way it treats its workers. The brand has a strict code of conduct regarding the ethical treatment of employees and frequently visits and audits those factories to ensure their standards are being met.

Screenshot of Allbird's commitment to 50% reduction in carbon


  • Create both short- and long-term CSR goals.

  • Commit to your cause in a well-rounded way, not just focusing on one area of your business.

6. Rent the Runway

Thanks to Rent the Runway, you don't have to be a millionaire to wear designer clothes to your next bougie function. The company makes high-end apparel affordable and accessible by allowing customers to rent their clothes before choosing to either purchase them or send them back.

For those who regularly enjoy galas and nights out on the town, the brand offers a membership program that keeps its members equipped with a rotating selection of four outfits at a time.

Screenshot of Rent the Runway membership process

Rent the Runway's mission is closely tied to sustainability. Too often, people purchase an outfit for a single event and then proceed to never wear that outfit again, resulting in textile waste. The company allows several people to enjoy an outfit for an evening out without making them pay top-dollar to purchase it. The brand now also offsets 100% of carbon emissions from shipments and aims to operate with net zero carbon emissions by 2040.


  • You can be socially responsible without shying away from profitable strategies like a membership-based business model.

  • Industries that produce a lot of waste offer the greatest opportunity for sustainability innovation.

7. Hive

Online grocery store Hive aims to make sustainable grocery shopping a breeze. The company does its due diligence to screen products and packaging for sustainability and ESG impact so that customers don't have to do the work themselves.

Screenshot of a person purchasing a product that uses hydro power to create zero-waste plant milk

Hive notifies customers of their eco-friendly impact statistics after every purchase, providing them with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. And the dopamine rush doesn't end there—Hive ships its products in cute cardboard boxes filled with recyclable packaging materials that resemble honeycomb. I've ordered a few boxes myself, and I can honestly say that opening a Hive box takes me back to being a kid on Christmas morning.


  • Build CSR into each step of your customer journey.

  • Lift the curtain for your customers, so they can feel like they're a part of your mission.

8. BLK + GRN

BLK + GRN is a Black women-owned natural marketplace. The brand is committed to educating consumers on toxic ingredients that are often included in personal care products marketed to Black women and supporting sustainable products from Black artisans and health experts. 

Screenshot of a disclaimer from BLK + GRN conveying their corporate social responsibility

The company even curated a list of widely tolerated toxic ingredients that will never show up in its products, coined its Toxic Twenty List. It serves as an informational resource for readers who want to learn more about ingredients they should avoid.


  • Develop your mission to solve a problem for a specific audience.

  • Educate others about your cause rather than just producing products that support it.

9. Patagonia

"Earth is now our only stakeholder." That was Patagonia's statement after its owner stepped down and handed the company over to a trust dedicated to addressing climate change. This means that any profits not reinvested in the business will be used to tackle the environmental crisis. And that's in addition to the 1% of sales Patagonia already donates to environmental efforts.

This unique restructuring ensures Patagonia employees are secure, the founding family can still make sure the company's values are followed, and the max amount of money goes toward a good cause. This is an approach no other company has taken before, making it an unprecedented step in corporate social responsibility.

Screenshot of a page on Patagonia's website that list their CSR progress in 2024.


  • Don't be afraid to do something unprecedented if it means making a bigger impact. 

  • Think long-term to ensure your company's values won't change with new leadership. 

10. Cariuma

Much like Allbirds, Cariuma is a sustainable sneaker company that kicks fast fashion to the curb by sourcing materials responsibly and making quality products that will last. Its dedication to people and the planet go hand in hand with its "Get a Pair of Sneakers, Plant 2 Trees" initiative. 

Even if you just subscribe to its email newsletter, Cariuma will plant a tree in the Brazilian rainforest in your name. From ethical factories to carbon-neutral shipping, the company is a stellar example that you don't have to compromise on style or substance to be environmentally responsible.

Screenshot of a page on Cariuma's website that shows a photo of a pair of shoes with the words "Certified B Corporation" over it.


  • Create tangible measures of impact, like planting trees for each purchase, to make your CSR efforts more transparent and engaging.

  • Innovate your products to be both sustainable and appealing, proving that eco-friendliness and style can coexist.

11. Giv Coffee

What if your morning brew could change the world? Giv Coffee is proof that it can. Founded by Jeff and Emily Brooks, this Connecticut-based coffee shop has built its entire business model around the idea of using caffeine as a vehicle for positive change.

At the heart of Giv Coffee's mission is a commitment to cultivating long-term relationships with coffee farmers. They go beyond fair trade practices by consistently buying from the same growers year after year and paying prices that both parties agree on. This gives farmers financial stability and the opportunity to improve their lives and communities.

Giv's impact isn't limited to sourcing beans. They donate a portion of every sale to those in need, making indulging in your coffee habit a charitable act. Next time someone asks if you've had your morning coffee, you can say, "Yes, and I've also helped stabilize an entire community's economy. What have you done today?"

Screenshot from Giv Coffee showing their CSR mission.


  • Develop long-term, direct relationships with suppliers to create more impactful and sustainable sourcing practices.

  • Integrate giving directly into your business model to create a clear connection between purchases and social impact.

12. The Loading Dock

The Loading Dock is the type of coworking space where you can rent a desk and a conscience at the same time. It grew out of CEO Philip Freeman's own experience with startup hurdles—limited space, high costs, and zero flexibility. So, he decided to fix it. The Loading Dock offers coworking spaces, office suites, co-warehousing, and event spaces that foster collaboration among companies and organizations in Raleigh-Durham. With its mantra, "Do well. Do good. Better Together," the organization is cultivating a culture where success is measured in positive impact as much as profits.

The Loading Dock walks the talk by sticking to sustainable practices, committing to local purchasing, and uplifting minority-owned businesses. It also donates 2% of its revenue to community-building nonprofits, emphasizes diversity in hiring, and provides quarterly volunteer opportunities for staff and members, all in the name of making a difference.

Screenshot of The Loading Dock's homepage hero


  • Create a community around your corporate social responsibility efforts to amplify your impact and inspire others.

  • Try to integrate social responsibility into every aspect of your business, from hiring practices to purchasing decisions.

Types of corporate social responsibility

According to Harvard Business School, there are four broad categories of CSR on which businesses tend to focus:

  1. Environmental: Businesses in this category focus on making a positive environmental impact. They adopt renewables, "cradle to grave" manufacturing principles, carbon offsets, and sustainable sourcing.

  2. Philanthropic: Philanthropic businesses devote themselves to making a positive social impact. They often fund non-profits like universities, museums, arts programs, charities, and other cultural institutions. They might also provide grants and scholarships.

  3. Ethical: Companies with strong ethical standards may go as far as codifying their ethics within their corporate structure to show their commitment to align with these values. For example, a company may establish in writing that it will never source materials from suppliers that mistreat their workers.

  4. Economic: Companies committed to economic responsibility understand where their dollars are going and what impact they're having across the value chain. They believe it's important to pay their employees fair wages, and they exercise good stewardship with their profit.

How to build a CSR business model

Don't just throw CSR against your business's wall and hope it sticks—it has to be implemented strategically.

Most importantly, ensure your approach aligns with your resources and brand image. For example, Who Gives A Crap chose a philanthropic goal relevant to its product offering. The brand name itself reflects both of these efforts and does so in a creative and witty way.

You should also be wary of half-baked initiatives and the temptation to cut corners. Many brands simply throw an eco-friendly label on their packaging (a strategy known as greenwashing), whereas Hive carefully inspects all of its products to make sure they're actually being kind to the earth and its people. 

Taking these steps will ultimately benefit you. If you execute CSR strategically, you can become a Certified B Corp, improving your business's reputation and attracting new customers.

Corporate social responsibility FAQ

Have a few more questions about corporate social responsibility? Here are some closing takeaways.

What are examples of corporate social responsibility?

Patagonia handing the company over to a trust dedicated to addressing climate change; BLK + GRN educating consumers on the toxic ingredients often included in personal care products marketed to Black women; Allbirds working to be zero-emissions by 2030—examples of corporate social responsibility run the gamut. CSR can be achieved through initiatives such as advocating for social causes, ethical production, and donating profits to environmental efforts, but it's not limited to any specific actions.

What is an example of a CSR statement?

An example of a CSR statement is Patagonia's mission statement: "We're in business to save our home planet." It explicitly articulates its purpose beyond profit, conveys a commitment to environmental preservation as a central driver of its business activities, and demonstrates a genuine dedication to addressing pressing societal challenges. Putting CSR at the forefront of your mission statement is a great way to show you mean (responsible) business.

What is the main purpose of corporate social responsibility?

The main purpose of corporate social responsibility is for companies to weave ethical, environmental, and social considerations into how they do business. The idea is to make a positive impact on society while growing sustainably and rocking the long game.

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This article was originally published in June 2021 by Jeremy Ducheney and has also had contributions from Cecilia Gillen and Allisa Boulette. The most recent update was in September 2024.

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