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How Typeform increased new daily users by 32% with Zapier

By Zapier Editorial Team · January 3, 2023

When two companies work together on shared initiatives, they both benefit from reaching each other's audiences. And form builder tool Typeform reaped the rewards of partnering up with Zapier in multiple ways. After collaborating with Zapier on a number of co-marketing campaigns—such as a webinar, blog posts, and emails—Typeform saw a 32% increase in daily sign-ups driven by Zapier. Today, about one in three Typeform customers use Zapier.

Higher volume of account upgrades

Typeform knows that when their users also use Zapier, they're 50% more likely to upgrade to a paid (or higher-tier paid) account in their lifetime. Additionally, Zapier customers generate 15% higher ARPA (average revenue per account) on average than other Typeform customers.

Typeform encourages its users to try Zapier at multiple points in the customer journey, including:

  • Typeform support team members actively suggest Zapier integrations to users, referencing dedicated Zapier training materials

  • Help documentation with a branded widget that helps users start automating common tasks in a familiar setting

  • An onboarding email highlighting the value of connecting Typeform to the other apps they use to run their business

Reduced churn

Typeform customers who also use Zapier are less than half as likely to churn after 30 days versus customers who don’t use Zapier. To encourage more users to explore Zapier, Typeform brings Zapier into their product UI.

In Typeform’s in-product “Connect Your Form” tab, they contextually surface the names, logos, and descriptions of the most popularly paired apps—powered by Zapier.

The “Connect” buttons take the user directly to a pre-built Zap—called a Zap template—that they can set up with just a few clicks. They also link to Zapier's full list of connected apps for users who can't find the app they want from the most popular options.

After making Zapier easier to find in their product, Typeform saw a 16% increase in Zapier adoption across all users. Additionally, Typeform and Zapier have continued to cultivate a deep product partnership and collaborate on co-marketing activities, which has also resulted in more of the kinds of users Typeform values most: users who use Typeform as the solution to multiple challenges and who keep coming back to build new forms, surveys, and quizzes.

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