Workflow API

Launch an automation engine right inside your product

With Workflow API, you can embed Zapier's powerful automation capabilities in your app to give customers a cohesive experience that matches your product's look and feel.

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A workflow API integration

Streamlined, accessible workflows

Unite apps, manage data, and highlight the must-have tools for your users' mission-critical workflows—all in one place.

Custom-built for your app

Provide users with the power of automation right in your app along with tailored use cases using your product.

All-in-one solution

Keep customers in your product or app longer while they navigate and build complex workflows.

Offer a built-in workflow solution in your app

Unlock the automation capabilities your users need

Embedding the Workflow API means your users can efficiently manage their most important tasks in one place. Highlight the essential apps, actions, and processes customers need to improve their productivity.

One integration, 10x the power

The Workflow API makes it easy to customize this feature with your product's branding. You can simplify Zap setup for users and keep relevant Zap details right at their fingertips. You can also connect customers with the Zapier directory so they can unlock the power of 10x more integrations.

Focus on your core product

Let Zapier handle the automation while you focus on enhancing and innovating your core product. We’ll support your build team with tasks—from scoping to launch—with technical support from Zapier pros.

How LinkedIn powers user experience with Zapier

Learn how LinkedIn leverages the Workflow API to help their customers seamlessly set up automations in the LinkedIn ads platform without leaving their site.


How can I access the Workflow API?

Reach out to your Partner Manager or to Zapier Partner Support.

What level of support should I expect from the Zapier team if I implement the Workflow API?

Our technical team can provide guidance from the scoping phase to implementation. We can provide insight into best practices and insight into the building process. You can also check out our technical docs for more information.

Where can I learn more about using the Workflow API?

Learn more about the Workflow API by checking out our technical documentation.

How can I choose the right Zapier partner tool for my business?

Whether you’re looking to increase product stickiness, acquire new users, or reduce churn, we have a tool for your app. To learn more about our partner solutions, check out how other businesses build with Zapier via our Embed Gallery. You can also reach out to Zapier Partner Support for additional help.

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