Partner marketing resources

Download brand resources and templates to drive adoption of your Zapier integration.

Embed Zapier to grow your users

Embed Zapier to grow your users

Zapier's embed tools enable you to provide a more comprehensive and consistent user experience.

See all our embed tools in action
Zapier Integration Fast Facts

Partner Program tips

Use these tried-and-true tactics from our top-performing partners to drive growth and accelerate through the Partner Program.

Zapier benefits

Co-marketing perks

Explore the benefits you'll earn as you move through the Partner Program, helping you increase revenue, generate more leads, and retain more customers.


Best practices

Learn best practices and use our pre-made templates to start highlighting the value of your Zapier integration to reach more users.

Embedding Zapier 101

Embedding Zapier 101

Find out how embedding Zapier into your product benefits your users and helps you increase user adoption, engagement, retention, and account upgrades.

Being recommended on Zapier's blog and website creates a lot of positive brand awareness for us. We've found that users who come to us via Zapier convert 3.5 times better than other users.

Raphaela Brandner

Partner Manager at MeisterTask

Daily sign-ups driven by Zapier are up 32% after launching product and co-marketing activities.

Kabir Mathur

Director of Product Partnerships at Typeform

Your integration matters

Learn how to create sticky, high-value users.

Bring automation to your users with our partner tools

Expand the power of your app with Zapier's partner tools. Your users will experience the magic of automation for themselves directly inside your app—allowing them to connect your app to thousands of other integrations in just a few clicks.

Read the full article

Become one of Zapier's fastest-growing apps

Productivity platform ClickUp became Zapier's fastest-growing app in 2020—reducing churn and snagging more account upgrades along the way. Learn how ClickUp leaned on Zapier to improve their customer journey and skyrocket their growth with regular new features.

Is your integration having the right impact?

Now that your integration exists (result!) you'll want to see how well it's landing with your users. You can gauge effectiveness by tracking retention, upgrades, conversions, churn, and more. You might be surprised by what you learn.