1. Sales operations resources
  2. Advanced features

Advanced features

Learn how to use specific Zapier features for major time savings.

Set specific conditions with filters

Looking to route leads to specific tools or teams? This guide will teach you how to set up filters so you can use data to build more targeted Zaps.

filter logic

Reformat app data with Formatter

Want to send emails with the right personalized info to new leads? Learn how Formatter can help you automatically format text, dates, and other information—no spreadsheet tricks required.

How to get different results with one Zap

Make sure your Zaps do the right thing based on specific data points. Discover how to add variety to the action of your Zap with a lookup table.

Get more with one Zap

Explore more resources for sales professionals

Get started

Learn the automation basics with these resources.

Get started


The automation possibilities are endless. Discover ways to streamline your sales processes to save time.


Get step-by-step guidance on automating your top sales tasks and apps. 

Customer stories

Get inspired by your peers. Learn how sales teams use Zapier to solve their biggest problems at work.

Automate systems

Ready to automate entire processes? Learn best practices from the automation pros.

More ways to learn

Explore additional Zapier resources, from on-demand webinars to eBooks.

Automation that moves your sales forward

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