Chat Data Integrations

AI Tools

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Do more with Chat Data integrations

Zapier lets you connect Chat Data with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps
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Or pick an app to pair witharrow pointing down
Integrate WhatsApp Notifications with Chat DataIntegrate WhatsApp Notifications with Chat Data

WhatsApp Notifications

Communication, Notifications, Phone & SMS
Integrate Google Chat with Chat DataIntegrate Google Chat with Chat Data

Google Chat

Google, Team Chat
Integrate Slack with Chat DataIntegrate Slack with Chat Data


Team Chat
Integrate Google Sheets with Chat DataIntegrate Google Sheets with Chat Data

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Google Drive with Chat DataIntegrate Google Drive with Chat Data

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google
Integrate ChatGPT with Chat DataIntegrate ChatGPT with Chat Data


AI Tools, Artificial Intelligence
Integrate Gmail with Chat DataIntegrate Gmail with Chat Data


Email, Google
Integrate Discord with Chat DataIntegrate Discord with Chat Data


Team Chat
Integrate Chatwork with Chat DataIntegrate Chatwork with Chat Data


Team Chat
Integrate WhatsApp Notifications with Chat DataIntegrate WhatsApp Notifications with Chat Data

WhatsApp Notifications

Communication, Notifications, Phone & SMS
Integrate Google Chat with Chat DataIntegrate Google Chat with Chat Data

Google Chat

Google, Team Chat
Integrate Slack with Chat DataIntegrate Slack with Chat Data


Team Chat
Integrate Google Sheets with Chat DataIntegrate Google Sheets with Chat Data

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Google Drive with Chat DataIntegrate Google Drive with Chat Data

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google
Integrate ChatGPT with Chat DataIntegrate ChatGPT with Chat Data


AI Tools, Artificial Intelligence
Integrate WhatsApp Notifications with Chat DataIntegrate WhatsApp Notifications with Chat Data

WhatsApp Notifications

Communication, Notifications, Phone & SMS
Integrate Google Chat with Chat DataIntegrate Google Chat with Chat Data

Google Chat

Google, Team Chat
Integrate Slack with Chat DataIntegrate Slack with Chat Data


Team Chat
Integrate Google Sheets with Chat DataIntegrate Google Sheets with Chat Data

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Google Drive with Chat DataIntegrate Google Drive with Chat Data

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google
Integrate ChatGPT with Chat DataIntegrate ChatGPT with Chat Data


AI Tools, Artificial Intelligence
Integrate Gmail with Chat DataIntegrate Gmail with Chat Data


Email, Google
Integrate Discord with Chat DataIntegrate Discord with Chat Data


Team Chat
Integrate Chatwork with Chat DataIntegrate Chatwork with Chat Data


Team Chat

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Quickly automate Chat Data integrations with Zapier's templates

  • Add new Chat Data messages to Google Sheets rows

    Try it
    • Chat Data logo
    • Google Sheets logo
    Chat Data + Google Sheets
  • Get daily digests generated by Chat Data for new labeled Gmail emails in a Slack channel

    Try it
    • Gmail logo
    • Slack logo
    Gmail + Chat Data + Digest by Zapier + 1 more
  • Generate draft responses to new Gmail emails with Chat Data

    Try it
    • Gmail logo
    • Chat Data logo
    • Gmail logo
    Gmail + Chat Data
  • Send AI-generated responses from Chat Data to new messages posted to Slack channels

    Try it
    • Slack logo
    • Chat Data logo
    • Slack logo
    Slack + Chat Data
  • Relay AI-generated responses from Chat Data via SimpleTexting to new incoming messages in SimpleTexting

    Try it
    • SimpleTexting logo
    • Chat Data logo
    • SimpleTexting logo
    SimpleTexting + Chat Data
  • Create tasks in Todoist with AI-generated notes from Chat Data for new emails in Gmail

    Try it
    • Gmail logo
    • Chat Data logo
    • Todoist logo
    Gmail + Chat Data + Todoist

Add new Chat Data messages to Google Sheets rows

Try it
  • Chat Data logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Chat Data + Google Sheets

Get daily digests generated by Chat Data for new labeled Gmail emails in a Slack channel

  • Gmail logo
  • Slack logo
Gmail + Chat Data + Digest by Zapier + 1 more

Generate draft responses to new Gmail emails with Chat Data

  • Gmail logo
  • Chat Data logo
  • Gmail logo
Gmail + Chat Data

Send AI-generated responses from Chat Data to new messages posted to Slack channels

  • Slack logo
  • Chat Data logo
  • Slack logo
Slack + Chat Data

Relay AI-generated responses from Chat Data via SimpleTexting to new incoming messages in SimpleTexting

  • SimpleTexting logo
  • Chat Data logo
  • SimpleTexting logo
SimpleTexting + Chat Data

Create tasks in Todoist with AI-generated notes from Chat Data for new emails in Gmail

  • Gmail logo
  • Chat Data logo
  • Todoist logo
Gmail + Chat Data + Todoist

Supported triggers and actions

    • Chatbot IDRequired

    Try It
    • Chatbot NameRequired

    • Source Text

    • The model of the chatbotRequired

    • The custom backend endpoint

    • The bearer token to authorize the customBackend

    • URLs to scrape

    • The ID of the chatbotRequired

    • Base promptRequired

    • The ID of the chatbotRequired

    • Start date

    • End date

    • Source

    • Limit

    • Start

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About Chat Data

Chat Data let you create AI chatbot with live chat escalation based on either your own knowledge base, backend endpoint or curated medical chat data sets.

Related categories

  • AI Tools