ClickHelp Integrations
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Zapier lets you connect ClickHelp with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.
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Negative Feedback Received
Triggers when a new detailed negative reader feedback is received.
Try ItTopic Updated
Triggers when a topic is updated.
Try ItProject IDRequired
Output File NameRequired
Project IDRequired
Topic IDRequired
Topic Title
Topic Body
Topic StatusRequired
Show in TOC
TOC Node Ordinal Number
TOC Node Caption
Index Keywords
Topic Created
Triggers when a new topic is created.
Try ItTranslation Document Updated
Triggers when a translation document is updated.
Try ItLoginRequired
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First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Is Don't Send Email
Publication IDRequired
Output FormatRequired
Output File NameRequired
FTP Host Name