Easelly Design Service Integrations

Images & Design

Do more with Easelly Design Service integrations

Zapier lets you connect Easelly Design Service with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

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Easelly Design Service logo
Or pick an app to pair witharrow pointing down
Integrate Bevy Design with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Bevy Design with Easelly Design Service

Bevy Design

Forms & Surveys
Integrate Design Pickle with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Design Pickle with Easelly Design Service

Design Pickle

Images & Design
Integrate Google Sheets with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Google Sheets with Easelly Design Service

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate PDF.co with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate PDF.co with Easelly Design Service


Integrate Slack with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Slack with Easelly Design Service


Team Chat
Integrate Google Forms with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Google Forms with Easelly Design Service

Google Forms

Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Chatfuel with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Chatfuel with Easelly Design Service


Social Media Marketing
Integrate YouTube with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate YouTube with Easelly Design Service


Google, Video & Audio
Integrate Jira Service Management with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Jira Service Management with Easelly Design Service

Jira Service Management

Customer Support
Integrate Bevy Design with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Bevy Design with Easelly Design Service

Bevy Design

Forms & Surveys
Integrate Design Pickle with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Design Pickle with Easelly Design Service

Design Pickle

Images & Design
Integrate Google Sheets with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Google Sheets with Easelly Design Service

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate PDF.co with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate PDF.co with Easelly Design Service


Integrate Slack with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Slack with Easelly Design Service


Team Chat
Integrate Google Forms with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Google Forms with Easelly Design Service

Google Forms

Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Bevy Design with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Bevy Design with Easelly Design Service

Bevy Design

Forms & Surveys
Integrate Design Pickle with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Design Pickle with Easelly Design Service

Design Pickle

Images & Design
Integrate Google Sheets with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Google Sheets with Easelly Design Service

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate PDF.co with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate PDF.co with Easelly Design Service


Integrate Slack with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Slack with Easelly Design Service


Team Chat
Integrate Google Forms with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Google Forms with Easelly Design Service

Google Forms

Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Chatfuel with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Chatfuel with Easelly Design Service


Social Media Marketing
Integrate YouTube with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate YouTube with Easelly Design Service


Google, Video & Audio
Integrate Jira Service Management with Easelly Design ServiceIntegrate Jira Service Management with Easelly Design Service

Jira Service Management

Customer Support

Top companies trust Zapier to automate work and free up time

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Quickly automate Easelly Design Service integrations with Zapier's templates

  • Create orders in Easelly Design Service from new or updated Google Sheets rows

    Try it
    • Google Sheets logo
    • Easelly Design Service logo
    Google Sheets + Easelly Design Service
  • Get design files in Easelly Design Service from new or updated Google Sheets rows

    Try it
    • Google Sheets logo
    • Easelly Design Service logo
    Google Sheets + Easelly Design Service
  • Create Easelly Design Service orders from new MySQL rows (custom query)

    Try it
    • MySQL logo
    • Easelly Design Service logo
    MySQL + Easelly Design Service
  • Create Easelly Design Service orders from new rows (custom queries) in PostgreSQL

    Try it
    • PostgreSQL logo
    • Easelly Design Service logo
    PostgreSQL + Easelly Design Service
  • Request revisions in Easelly Design Service for new or updated Zoho Sheet rows

    Try it
    • Zoho Sheet logo
    • Easelly Design Service logo
    Zoho Sheet + Easelly Design Service
  • Update Google Sheets rows and create Easelly Design Service orders from new SupportBee tickets

    Try it
    • SupportBee logo
    • Google Sheets logo
    • Easelly Design Service logo
    SupportBee + Google Sheets + Easelly Design Service

Create orders in Easelly Design Service from new or updated Google Sheets rows

Try it
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Easelly Design Service logo
Google Sheets + Easelly Design Service

Get design files in Easelly Design Service from new or updated Google Sheets rows

  • Google Sheets logo
  • Easelly Design Service logo
Google Sheets + Easelly Design Service

Create Easelly Design Service orders from new MySQL rows (custom query)

  • MySQL logo
  • Easelly Design Service logo
MySQL + Easelly Design Service

Create Easelly Design Service orders from new rows (custom queries) in PostgreSQL

  • PostgreSQL logo
  • Easelly Design Service logo
PostgreSQL + Easelly Design Service

Request revisions in Easelly Design Service for new or updated Zoho Sheet rows

  • Zoho Sheet logo
  • Easelly Design Service logo
Zoho Sheet + Easelly Design Service

Update Google Sheets rows and create Easelly Design Service orders from new SupportBee tickets

  • SupportBee logo
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Easelly Design Service logo
SupportBee + Google Sheets + Easelly Design Service

Supported triggers and actions

    • EmailRequired

    • Order ID

    Try It
    • NameRequired

    • EmailRequired

    • Partner EmailRequired

    • Phoner Number

    • Infographic TitleRequired

    • Website URL

    • Infographic DescriptionRequired

    • Infographic Reference

    • Infographic Instructions

    • Attach URL

    • Print Size

    • Partner EmailRequired

    • Name

    • Order IDRequired

    • VersionRequired

    • Annotation URLRequired

    • Revision CommentsRequired

    • Attach URL

    • Order IDRequired

    • Order IDRequired

    • Order IDRequired

    • Order IDRequired

    • Infographic Title

    • Infographic Description

    • Infographic Reference

    • Infographic Instructions

    • Attach URL

    • Print Size

easelly-design-service logo
easelly-design-service logo

About Easelly Design Service

Trusted by thousand of customers, Easelly Design is a professional services for fast and high quality design needs. This application provides access to to create, retrieve status, update, request revision, get design files and approve order per customer/partner.

Related categories

  • Images & Design