Easelly Integrations

Images & Design

Do more with Easelly integrations

Zapier lets you connect Easelly with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

Start free with email
Start free with email
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Easelly logo
Easelly logo
Or pick an app to pair witharrow pointing down
Integrate Firebase / Firestore with EasellyIntegrate Firebase / Firestore with Easelly

Firebase / Firestore

Integrate Google Sheets with EasellyIntegrate Google Sheets with Easelly

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate MySQL with EasellyIntegrate MySQL with Easelly


Integrate PostgreSQL with EasellyIntegrate PostgreSQL with Easelly


Integrate Google Forms with EasellyIntegrate Google Forms with Easelly

Google Forms

Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Google Docs with EasellyIntegrate Google Docs with Easelly

Google Docs

Documents, Google
Integrate Slack with EasellyIntegrate Slack with Easelly


Team Chat
Integrate Google Drive with EasellyIntegrate Google Drive with Easelly

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google
Integrate Calendly with EasellyIntegrate Calendly with Easelly


Scheduling & Booking
Integrate Firebase / Firestore with EasellyIntegrate Firebase / Firestore with Easelly

Firebase / Firestore

Integrate Google Sheets with EasellyIntegrate Google Sheets with Easelly

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate MySQL with EasellyIntegrate MySQL with Easelly


Integrate PostgreSQL with EasellyIntegrate PostgreSQL with Easelly


Integrate Google Forms with EasellyIntegrate Google Forms with Easelly

Google Forms

Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Google Docs with EasellyIntegrate Google Docs with Easelly

Google Docs

Documents, Google
Integrate Firebase / Firestore with EasellyIntegrate Firebase / Firestore with Easelly

Firebase / Firestore

Integrate Google Sheets with EasellyIntegrate Google Sheets with Easelly

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate MySQL with EasellyIntegrate MySQL with Easelly


Integrate PostgreSQL with EasellyIntegrate PostgreSQL with Easelly


Integrate Google Forms with EasellyIntegrate Google Forms with Easelly

Google Forms

Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Google Docs with EasellyIntegrate Google Docs with Easelly

Google Docs

Documents, Google
Integrate Slack with EasellyIntegrate Slack with Easelly


Team Chat
Integrate Google Drive with EasellyIntegrate Google Drive with Easelly

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google
Integrate Calendly with EasellyIntegrate Calendly with Easelly


Scheduling & Booking

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Quickly automate Easelly integrations with Zapier's templates

  • Generate Easelly download URLs and create Google Sheets rows from new MongoDB documents

    Try it
    •  logo
    • Google Sheets logo
    Google Sheets + Easelly
  • Add JPG URLs from Easelly to Google Sheets rows with new or updated Google Sheets rows

    Try it
    • Google Sheets logo
    • Google Sheets logo
    Google Sheets + Easelly
  • Generate Easelly download URLs and create Google Sheets rows from new Typeform entries

    Try it
    • Typeform logo
    • Google Sheets logo
    Typeform + Google Sheets + Easelly
  • Generate Easelly download URLs of many rows and create spreadsheet rows from new Google Sheets spreadsheet rows

    Try it
    • Google Sheets logo
    • Google Sheets logo
    Google Sheets + Easelly
  • Generate Easelly download URLs from new Google Forms responses

    Try it
    • Google Forms logo
    • Google Sheets logo
    Google Forms + Google Sheets + Easelly
  • Generate Easelly download URLs and add links in Google Sheets spreadsheet rows for new Firebase / Firestone new documents

    Try it
    • Firebase / Firestore logo
    • Google Sheets logo
    Firebase / Firestore + Google Sheets + Easelly

Generate Easelly download URLs and create Google Sheets rows from new MongoDB documents

Try it
  •  logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Google Sheets + Easelly

Add JPG URLs from Easelly to Google Sheets rows with new or updated Google Sheets rows

  • Google Sheets logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Google Sheets + Easelly

Generate Easelly download URLs and create Google Sheets rows from new Typeform entries

  • Typeform logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Typeform + Google Sheets + Easelly

Generate Easelly download URLs of many rows and create spreadsheet rows from new Google Sheets spreadsheet rows

  • Google Sheets logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Google Sheets + Easelly

Generate Easelly download URLs from new Google Forms responses

  • Google Forms logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Google Forms + Google Sheets + Easelly

Generate Easelly download URLs and add links in Google Sheets spreadsheet rows for new Firebase / Firestone new documents

  • Firebase / Firestore logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Firebase / Firestore + Google Sheets + Easelly

Supported triggers and actions

    • Canvas IDRequired

    • TypeRequired

    • Objects

    easelly logo
    easelly logo

    About Easelly

    Easelly is a simple infographic maker that lets you visualize any kind of information. It is a web tool that empowers anyone to create and share powerful visuals (infographics, posters)... no design experience needed!

    Related categories

    • Images & Design