Easy-Peasy.AI Integrations

AI Tools

Do more with Easy-Peasy.AI integrations

Zapier lets you connect Easy-Peasy.AI with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

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Or pick an app to pair witharrow pointing down
Integrate WhatsApp Notifications with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate WhatsApp Notifications with Easy-Peasy.AI

WhatsApp Notifications

Communication, Notifications, Phone & SMS
Integrate Discord with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Discord with Easy-Peasy.AI


Team Chat
Integrate Google Drive with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Google Drive with Easy-Peasy.AI

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google
Integrate Telegram with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Telegram with Easy-Peasy.AI


Phone & SMS, Team Chat
Integrate Google Sheets with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Google Sheets with Easy-Peasy.AI

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Facebook Pages with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Facebook Pages with Easy-Peasy.AI

Facebook Pages

Facebook, Social Media Accounts
Integrate WordPress with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate WordPress with Easy-Peasy.AI


Website Builders, WordPress
Integrate Zapier Chatbots with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Zapier Chatbots with Easy-Peasy.AI

Zapier Chatbots

AI Tools
Integrate Slack with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Slack with Easy-Peasy.AI


Team Chat
Integrate WhatsApp Notifications with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate WhatsApp Notifications with Easy-Peasy.AI

WhatsApp Notifications

Communication, Notifications, Phone & SMS
Integrate Discord with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Discord with Easy-Peasy.AI


Team Chat
Integrate Google Drive with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Google Drive with Easy-Peasy.AI

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google
Integrate Telegram with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Telegram with Easy-Peasy.AI


Phone & SMS, Team Chat
Integrate Google Sheets with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Google Sheets with Easy-Peasy.AI

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Facebook Pages with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Facebook Pages with Easy-Peasy.AI

Facebook Pages

Facebook, Social Media Accounts
Integrate WhatsApp Notifications with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate WhatsApp Notifications with Easy-Peasy.AI

WhatsApp Notifications

Communication, Notifications, Phone & SMS
Integrate Discord with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Discord with Easy-Peasy.AI


Team Chat
Integrate Google Drive with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Google Drive with Easy-Peasy.AI

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google
Integrate Telegram with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Telegram with Easy-Peasy.AI


Phone & SMS, Team Chat
Integrate Google Sheets with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Google Sheets with Easy-Peasy.AI

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Facebook Pages with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Facebook Pages with Easy-Peasy.AI

Facebook Pages

Facebook, Social Media Accounts
Integrate WordPress with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate WordPress with Easy-Peasy.AI


Website Builders, WordPress
Integrate Zapier Chatbots with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Zapier Chatbots with Easy-Peasy.AI

Zapier Chatbots

AI Tools
Integrate Slack with Easy-Peasy.AIIntegrate Slack with Easy-Peasy.AI


Team Chat

Top companies trust Zapier to automate work and free up time

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Quickly automate Easy-Peasy.AI integrations with Zapier's templates

  • Create ai transcriptions in Easy-Peasy.AI from new files in Google Drive folders

    Try it
    • Google Drive logo
    • Easy-Peasy.AI logo
    Google Drive + Easy-Peasy.AI
  • Create ai transcriptions in Easy-Peasy.AI from new files in Google Drive folders

    Try it
    • Google Drive logo
    • Easy-Peasy.AI logo
    Google Drive + Easy-Peasy.AI
  • Generate responses in Easy-Peasy.AI for new messages in ChatBot

    Try it
    • ChatBot logo
    • Easy-Peasy.AI logo
    ChatBot + Easy-Peasy.AI

Create ai transcriptions in Easy-Peasy.AI from new files in Google Drive folders

Try it
  • Google Drive logo
  • Easy-Peasy.AI logo
Google Drive + Easy-Peasy.AI

Create ai transcriptions in Easy-Peasy.AI from new files in Google Drive folders

  • Google Drive logo
  • Easy-Peasy.AI logo
Google Drive + Easy-Peasy.AI

Generate responses in Easy-Peasy.AI for new messages in ChatBot

  • ChatBot logo
  • Easy-Peasy.AI logo
ChatBot + Easy-Peasy.AI

Supported triggers and actions

    • Background Information

    • What do you want to generate?Required

    • Audio URLRequired

    • Transcription Name

    • Detect Speakers?

    • Type

    • Language spoken

    • Bot IDRequired

    • MessageRequired

    • Received EmailRequired

    • What do you want to include in your reply?

    • Tone/Brand Voice

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About Easy-Peasy.AI

Easy-Peasy.AI is a multifunctional tool that generates texts, images, and text-to-speech content, transcribes audio, and creates chatbots.

Related categories

  • AI Tools