Google Chat + Google Forms

Create Google Chat messages from new or updated Google Forms responses in a spreadsheet

Keep your team in the loop with this Google Forms to Google Chat automation. Whenever a new or updated response is added to your Google Spreadsheet from Google Forms, this workflow instantly sends a message to a designated Google Chat room, ensuring team members stay informed and can collaborate effectively. Stay updated and save time with this seamless workflow between Google Forms and Google Chat.

Keep your team in the loop with this Google Forms to Google Chat automation. Whenever a new or updated response is added to your Google Spreadsheet from Google Forms, this workflow instantly sends a message to a designated Google Chat room, ensuring team members stay informed and can collaborate effectively. Stay updated and save time with this seamless workflow between Google Forms and Google Chat.

  1. When this happens...
    Google FormsGoogle Forms
    New or Updated Form Response

    Triggers when a form response is added or modified.

  2. automatically do this!
    Google ChatGoogle Chat
    Create Message

    Create a message in Hangouts Chat.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

    • FormRequired

    Try It
    • Api Docs Info

    • Apply standard error handling?Required

    • HTTP MethodRequired

    • URLRequired

    • Query String Parameters

    • Additional Request Headers

    • Body

google-chat logo
google-chat logo

About Google Chat

Google Chat is a communication software developed by Google built for teams that provides direct messages and team chat rooms, along with a group messaging function that allows Google Drive content sharing.

Related categories

  • Google
  • Team Chat

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google-forms logo
google-forms logo

About Google Forms

Google Forms is an easy way to collect data from the web with a simple UI and powerful editor. Works hand-in-hand with Google Sheets!
Learn more

Related categories

  • Forms & Surveys
  • Google

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