Google Chat + Google Forms

Get notifications in Google Hangouts chats for new responses in Google Forms

This integration sends a notification automatically to Google Chat when a new response is seen in the response spreadsheet for Forms. Now you'll always know when you have to follow up with a new lead, get a signup for your newsletter, or someone responded to your survey!

This integration sends a notification automatically to Google Chat when a new response is seen in the response spreadsheet for Forms. Now you'll always know when you have to follow up with a new lead, get a signup for your newsletter, or someone responded to your survey!

  1. When this happens...
    Google FormsGoogle Forms
    New Form Response

    Triggers when a new form response is received.

  2. automatically do this!
    Google ChatGoogle Chat
    Create Message

    Create a message in Hangouts Chat.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

    • FormRequired

    Try It
    • Api Docs Info

    • Stop on errorRequired

    • HTTP MethodRequired

    • URLRequired

    • Query string parameters

    • Additional request headers

    • Body

google-chat logo
google-chat logo

About Google Chat

Google Chat is a communication software developed by Google built for teams that provides direct messages and team chat rooms, along with a group messaging function that allows Google Drive content sharing.

Related categories

  • Google
  • Team Chat

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google-forms logo
google-forms logo

About Google Forms

Google Forms is an easy way to collect data from the web with a simple UI and powerful editor. Works hand-in-hand with Google Sheets!
Learn more

Related categories

  • Forms & Surveys
  • Google

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