Kisi Integrations
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Zapier lets you connect Kisi with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.
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Triggers when there's a new kisi event.
Try ItWhether the schedule is enabledRequired
Whether to override other events of the same consequenceRequired
Defines what happens to the scheduleable when the schedule is occuring. The unlock value only applies to schedules with scheduleable_type set to Lock. The permit value only applies to schedules with scheduleable_type set to ElevatorStop. Allowed values: unlock permit allowRequired
The type of the schedulableRequired
The ID of the schedulableRequired
The type of the schedule
Which region's holiday rules to follow for event generation
Whether the events should consider observancesRequired
email of userRequired
name of user
password of userRequired
terms and conditions
The name of the lockRequired
The description of the lockRequired
The place ID of the lockRequired
The latitude of the lock.
The longitude of the lock.
Whether the lock is geofence restricted. Geofence restriction enforces that users may only unlock when they are near the lock.
Whether reader restriction is enabled. Reader restriction enforces that users may only unlock when standing in front of the door.
Whether the lock is time restricted. Time restriction enforces that users may only unlock at specific hours.
The position of the lock, determining the sort order of the locks.
The integration ID of the lock. Only used by integration-based locks. The only integration that is currently supported is Smartalock. When this field is set, all unlocks will go through the integration.
The floor ID of the lock
Whether the lock is marked as a favorite by the user. Only shown if requested.
The name of the memberRequired
The URL to the profile picture of the member.
Whether the member should receive emails. Can only be specified for organization members.
Whether the member's corresponding user should be auto-confirmed on creation. Can only be specified for organization members.
Whether the member is allowed to access locks and elevators. If the user is managed by SCIM, user access will be disabled unless both the access_enabled field and scim_access_enabled fields are set to true.
Whether the member can login with password flow. Only relevant for organizations.
Whether the member needs to activate the card to gain access.
The notes for the member.
The email of the member.Required
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