MakeMySummary Integrations

Bookmark Managers

Do more with MakeMySummary integrations

Zapier lets you connect MakeMySummary with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps
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Or pick an app to pair witharrow pointing down
Integrate YouTube with MakeMySummaryIntegrate YouTube with MakeMySummary


Google, Video & Audio
Integrate Gmail with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Gmail with MakeMySummary


Email, Google
Integrate Feedly with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Feedly with MakeMySummary


Social Media Accounts
Integrate Microsoft Outlook with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Microsoft Outlook with MakeMySummary

Microsoft Outlook

Calendar, Email, Microsoft
Integrate Google Drive with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Google Drive with MakeMySummary

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google
Integrate Google Docs with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Google Docs with MakeMySummary

Google Docs

Documents, Google
Integrate Web Parser by Zapier with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Web Parser by Zapier with MakeMySummary

Web Parser by Zapier

Content & Files, Zapier
Integrate Pocket with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Pocket with MakeMySummary


Bookmark Managers
Integrate Google Sheets with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Google Sheets with MakeMySummary

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate YouTube with MakeMySummaryIntegrate YouTube with MakeMySummary


Google, Video & Audio
Integrate Gmail with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Gmail with MakeMySummary


Email, Google
Integrate Feedly with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Feedly with MakeMySummary


Social Media Accounts
Integrate Microsoft Outlook with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Microsoft Outlook with MakeMySummary

Microsoft Outlook

Calendar, Email, Microsoft
Integrate Google Drive with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Google Drive with MakeMySummary

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google
Integrate Google Docs with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Google Docs with MakeMySummary

Google Docs

Documents, Google
Integrate YouTube with MakeMySummaryIntegrate YouTube with MakeMySummary


Google, Video & Audio
Integrate Gmail with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Gmail with MakeMySummary


Email, Google
Integrate Feedly with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Feedly with MakeMySummary


Social Media Accounts
Integrate Microsoft Outlook with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Microsoft Outlook with MakeMySummary

Microsoft Outlook

Calendar, Email, Microsoft
Integrate Google Drive with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Google Drive with MakeMySummary

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google
Integrate Google Docs with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Google Docs with MakeMySummary

Google Docs

Documents, Google
Integrate Web Parser by Zapier with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Web Parser by Zapier with MakeMySummary

Web Parser by Zapier

Content & Files, Zapier
Integrate Pocket with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Pocket with MakeMySummary


Bookmark Managers
Integrate Google Sheets with MakeMySummaryIntegrate Google Sheets with MakeMySummary

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets

Top companies trust Zapier to automate work and free up time

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Quickly automate MakeMySummary integrations with Zapier's templates

  • Summarize new Microsoft Outlook emails' text with MakeMySummary

    Try it
    • Microsoft Outlook logo
    • MakeMySummary logo
    Microsoft Outlook + MakeMySummary
  • Post new MakeMySummary summaries as link posts on Tumblr

    Try it
    • MakeMySummary logo
    • Tumblr logo
    MakeMySummary + Tumblr
  • Summarize new YouTube videos with MakeMySummary

    Try it
    • YouTube logo
    • MakeMySummary logo
    YouTube + MakeMySummary
  • Summarize new favorite Pocket items with MakeMySummary webpages

    Try it
    • Pocket logo
    • MakeMySummary logo
    Pocket + MakeMySummary

Summarize new Microsoft Outlook emails' text with MakeMySummary

Try it
  • Microsoft Outlook logo
  • MakeMySummary logo
Microsoft Outlook + MakeMySummary

Post new MakeMySummary summaries as link posts on Tumblr

  • MakeMySummary logo
  • Tumblr logo
MakeMySummary + Tumblr

Summarize new YouTube videos with MakeMySummary

  • YouTube logo
  • MakeMySummary logo
YouTube + MakeMySummary

Summarize new favorite Pocket items with MakeMySummary webpages

  • Pocket logo
  • MakeMySummary logo
Pocket + MakeMySummary

Supported triggers and actions

  • MakeMySummary triggers, actions, and search

    New Summary Available

    Triggers when a new summary has been processed and available.

    Try It
    • TextRequired

    • Title/Name

    • Youtube Video URLRequired

    • Name/Title

    • Podcast URLRequired

    • Article URLRequired

    • Article Title/Name

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makemysummary logo

About MakeMySummary

MakeMySummary is an app to summarize any news articles or youtube videos into a few short sentences.

Related categories

  • Bookmark Managers