MeaningCloud Integrations

Ads & Conversion

Do more with MeaningCloud integrations

Zapier lets you connect MeaningCloud with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

Start free with email
Start free with email
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Or pick an app to pair witharrow pointing down
Integrate Google Forms (Legacy) with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Forms (Legacy) with MeaningCloud

Google Forms (Legacy)

Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Google Forms with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Forms with MeaningCloud

Google Forms

Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Google Sheets with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Sheets with MeaningCloud

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Google Drive with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Drive with MeaningCloud

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google
Integrate Typeform with MeaningCloudIntegrate Typeform with MeaningCloud


Forms & Surveys
Integrate Google Docs with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Docs with MeaningCloud

Google Docs

Documents, Google
Integrate Trello with MeaningCloudIntegrate Trello with MeaningCloud


Project Management
Integrate Google Business Profile with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Business Profile with MeaningCloud

Google Business Profile

Google, Website Builders
Integrate SurveyMonkey with MeaningCloudIntegrate SurveyMonkey with MeaningCloud


Forms & Surveys
Integrate Google Forms (Legacy) with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Forms (Legacy) with MeaningCloud

Google Forms (Legacy)

Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Google Forms with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Forms with MeaningCloud

Google Forms

Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Google Sheets with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Sheets with MeaningCloud

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Google Drive with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Drive with MeaningCloud

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google
Integrate Typeform with MeaningCloudIntegrate Typeform with MeaningCloud


Forms & Surveys
Integrate Google Docs with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Docs with MeaningCloud

Google Docs

Documents, Google
Integrate Google Forms (Legacy) with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Forms (Legacy) with MeaningCloud

Google Forms (Legacy)

Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Google Forms with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Forms with MeaningCloud

Google Forms

Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Google Sheets with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Sheets with MeaningCloud

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Google Drive with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Drive with MeaningCloud

Google Drive

File Management & Storage, Google
Integrate Typeform with MeaningCloudIntegrate Typeform with MeaningCloud


Forms & Surveys
Integrate Google Docs with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Docs with MeaningCloud

Google Docs

Documents, Google
Integrate Trello with MeaningCloudIntegrate Trello with MeaningCloud


Project Management
Integrate Google Business Profile with MeaningCloudIntegrate Google Business Profile with MeaningCloud

Google Business Profile

Google, Website Builders
Integrate SurveyMonkey with MeaningCloudIntegrate SurveyMonkey with MeaningCloud


Forms & Surveys

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Quickly automate MeaningCloud integrations with Zapier's templates

  • Classify new RSS items with MeaningCloud and save relevant ones to Pocket

    Try it
    • RSS by Zapier logo
    • Pocket logo
    RSS by Zapier + MeaningCloud + Filter by Zapier + 1 more
  • Identify people, companies, and more in new RSS posts using MeaningCloud and save them to Pocket

    Try it
    • RSS by Zapier logo
    • MeaningCloud logo
    • Pocket logo
    RSS by Zapier + MeaningCloud + Pocket
  • Analyze sentiments of new Google Forms responses with MeaningCloud and log the results in Google Sheets

    Try it
    • Google Forms logo
    • Google Sheets logo
    Google Forms + MeaningCloud + Google Sheets
  • Analyze sentiments of new Unbounce form submissions with MeaningCloud

    Try it
    • Unbounce logo
    • MeaningCloud logo
    Unbounce + MeaningCloud
  • Analyze sentiments of new form submissions in Leadpages with MeaningCloud

    Try it
    • Leadpages logo
    • MeaningCloud logo
    Leadpages + MeaningCloud
  • Analyze sentiments of new WPForms entries with MeaningCloud

    Try it
    • WPForms logo
    • MeaningCloud logo
    WPForms + MeaningCloud

Classify new RSS items with MeaningCloud and save relevant ones to Pocket

Try it
  • RSS by Zapier logo
  • Pocket logo
RSS by Zapier + MeaningCloud + Filter by Zapier + 1 more

Identify people, companies, and more in new RSS posts using MeaningCloud and save them to Pocket

  • RSS by Zapier logo
  • MeaningCloud logo
  • Pocket logo
RSS by Zapier + MeaningCloud + Pocket

Analyze sentiments of new Google Forms responses with MeaningCloud and log the results in Google Sheets

  • Google Forms logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Google Forms + MeaningCloud + Google Sheets

Analyze sentiments of new Unbounce form submissions with MeaningCloud

  • Unbounce logo
  • MeaningCloud logo
Unbounce + MeaningCloud

Analyze sentiments of new form submissions in Leadpages with MeaningCloud

  • Leadpages logo
  • MeaningCloud logo
Leadpages + MeaningCloud

Analyze sentiments of new WPForms entries with MeaningCloud

  • WPForms logo
  • MeaningCloud logo
WPForms + MeaningCloud

Supported triggers and actions

    • TypeRequired

    • Relevance FilterRequired

    • Max number of categoriesRequired

    • TypeRequired

    • Detection threshold

    • TypeRequired

    • LanguageRequired

    • Relevance FilterRequired

    • Max number of topicsRequired

    • TypeRequired

    • ModelRequired

    • Relevance FilterRequired

    • TypeRequired

    • LanguageRequired

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About MeaningCloud

MeaningCloud provides text analytics functionalities that allow you to extract the meaning of all kind of unstructured content.

Related categories

  • Ads & Conversion