My Music Staff Integrations
Do more with My Music Staff integrations
Zapier lets you connect My Music Staff with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.
- Free forever for core features
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Join millions worldwide who automate their work using Zapier
Student Added to Event
Triggers when a student is added to an event on the calendar.
Try ItNew Invoice
Triggers when a new invoice is created (manually or by auto-invoicing).
Try ItNew Student
Triggers when a new student is added to your My Music Staff account.
Try ItAmountRequired
Date & TimeRequired
Family IDRequired
Attendance Taken
Triggers when attendance is taken or edited for a calendar event.
Try ItPayment Added
Triggers when a payment is recorded in a Family Account.
Try ItStudent Updated
Triggers when a student's profile information is updated.
Try ItStudent TypeRequired
Student First NameRequired
Student Last NameRequired
Student StatusRequired
Student Email
Student Phone Number
Student Phone Number SMS Capable
Student Send Email reminder
Student Send SMS reminder
Student Birthday
Student Since
Student Skill Level
Student Gender
Student Note
Student Skype Username
Student School
Student FaceTimeID
Student Group Tags