RoundPie Integrations


Do more with RoundPie integrations

Zapier lets you connect RoundPie with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps
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RoundPie logo
Or pick an app to pair witharrow pointing down
Integrate Things with RoundPieIntegrate Things with RoundPie


Task Management
Integrate OmniFocus with RoundPieIntegrate OmniFocus with RoundPie


Task Management
Integrate Google Calendar with RoundPieIntegrate Google Calendar with RoundPie

Google Calendar

Calendar, Google
Integrate Notion with RoundPieIntegrate Notion with RoundPie


Task Management
Integrate Google Sheets with RoundPieIntegrate Google Sheets with RoundPie

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Azure DevOps with RoundPieIntegrate Azure DevOps with RoundPie

Azure DevOps

Developer Tools, Microsoft
Integrate Jira Software Server with RoundPieIntegrate Jira Software Server with RoundPie

Jira Software Server

Project Management
Integrate Wrike with RoundPieIntegrate Wrike with RoundPie


Project Management
Integrate Smartsheet with RoundPieIntegrate Smartsheet with RoundPie


Integrate Things with RoundPieIntegrate Things with RoundPie


Task Management
Integrate OmniFocus with RoundPieIntegrate OmniFocus with RoundPie


Task Management
Integrate Google Calendar with RoundPieIntegrate Google Calendar with RoundPie

Google Calendar

Calendar, Google
Integrate Notion with RoundPieIntegrate Notion with RoundPie


Task Management
Integrate Google Sheets with RoundPieIntegrate Google Sheets with RoundPie

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Azure DevOps with RoundPieIntegrate Azure DevOps with RoundPie

Azure DevOps

Developer Tools, Microsoft
Integrate Things with RoundPieIntegrate Things with RoundPie


Task Management
Integrate OmniFocus with RoundPieIntegrate OmniFocus with RoundPie


Task Management
Integrate Google Calendar with RoundPieIntegrate Google Calendar with RoundPie

Google Calendar

Calendar, Google
Integrate Notion with RoundPieIntegrate Notion with RoundPie


Task Management
Integrate Google Sheets with RoundPieIntegrate Google Sheets with RoundPie

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Azure DevOps with RoundPieIntegrate Azure DevOps with RoundPie

Azure DevOps

Developer Tools, Microsoft
Integrate Jira Software Server with RoundPieIntegrate Jira Software Server with RoundPie

Jira Software Server

Project Management
Integrate Wrike with RoundPieIntegrate Wrike with RoundPie


Project Management
Integrate Smartsheet with RoundPieIntegrate Smartsheet with RoundPie



Top companies trust Zapier to automate work and free up time

Join millions worldwide who automate their work using Zapier

 Sign up with Google

Quickly automate RoundPie integrations with Zapier's templates

  • Create RoundPie tasks from Google Calendar events

    Try it
    • Google Calendar logo
    • RoundPie logo
    Google Calendar + RoundPie
  • Add new rows to Google Sheets when RoundPie timers stop

    Try it
    • RoundPie logo
    • Google Sheets logo
    RoundPie + Google Sheets
  • Add new RoundPie tasks from Google Tasks

    Try it
    • Google Tasks logo
    • RoundPie logo
    Google Tasks + RoundPie
  • Start FocusTime sessions whenever you start a PomoDone timer

    Try it
    • RoundPie logo
    • RescueTime logo
    RoundPie + RescueTime
  • Add new Nozbe actions to RoundPie

    Try it
    • Nozbe Personal logo
    • RoundPie logo
    Nozbe Personal + RoundPie
  • Create new Weekdone items from completed RoundPie tasks

    Try it
    • RoundPie logo
    • Weekdone logo
    RoundPie + Weekdone

Create RoundPie tasks from Google Calendar events

Try it
  • Google Calendar logo
  • RoundPie logo
Google Calendar + RoundPie

Add new rows to Google Sheets when RoundPie timers stop

  • RoundPie logo
  • Google Sheets logo
RoundPie + Google Sheets

Add new RoundPie tasks from Google Tasks

  • Google Tasks logo
  • RoundPie logo
Google Tasks + RoundPie

Start FocusTime sessions whenever you start a PomoDone timer

  • RoundPie logo
  • RescueTime logo
RoundPie + RescueTime

Add new Nozbe actions to RoundPie

  • Nozbe Personal logo
  • RoundPie logo
Nozbe Personal + RoundPie

Create new Weekdone items from completed RoundPie tasks

  • RoundPie logo
  • Weekdone logo
RoundPie + Weekdone

Supported triggers and actions

roundpie logo
roundpie logo

About RoundPie

Boost your task management efficiency with RoundPie. Utilize the Tomato technique for controlled productivity chunks. Prioritize tasks and stay focused.
Learn more

Related categories

  • Productivity

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