Scalr Integrations

Server Monitoring

Do more with Scalr integrations

Zapier lets you connect Scalr with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

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Start free with email
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Or pick an app to pair witharrow pointing down
Integrate Slack with ScalrIntegrate Slack with Scalr


Team Chat
Integrate Microsoft Outlook with ScalrIntegrate Microsoft Outlook with Scalr

Microsoft Outlook

Calendar, Email, Microsoft
Integrate Mailchimp Transactional with ScalrIntegrate Mailchimp Transactional with Scalr

Mailchimp Transactional

Transactional Email
Integrate Trello with ScalrIntegrate Trello with Scalr


Project Management
Integrate Microsoft Teams with ScalrIntegrate Microsoft Teams with Scalr

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft, Team Chat
Integrate DigitalOcean with ScalrIntegrate DigitalOcean with Scalr


Website Builders
Integrate Google Sheets with ScalrIntegrate Google Sheets with Scalr

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Notion with ScalrIntegrate Notion with Scalr


Task Management
Integrate Microsoft Office 365 with ScalrIntegrate Microsoft Office 365 with Scalr

Microsoft Office 365

Email, Microsoft
Integrate Slack with ScalrIntegrate Slack with Scalr


Team Chat
Integrate Microsoft Outlook with ScalrIntegrate Microsoft Outlook with Scalr

Microsoft Outlook

Calendar, Email, Microsoft
Integrate Mailchimp Transactional with ScalrIntegrate Mailchimp Transactional with Scalr

Mailchimp Transactional

Transactional Email
Integrate Trello with ScalrIntegrate Trello with Scalr


Project Management
Integrate Microsoft Teams with ScalrIntegrate Microsoft Teams with Scalr

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft, Team Chat
Integrate DigitalOcean with ScalrIntegrate DigitalOcean with Scalr


Website Builders
Integrate Slack with ScalrIntegrate Slack with Scalr


Team Chat
Integrate Microsoft Outlook with ScalrIntegrate Microsoft Outlook with Scalr

Microsoft Outlook

Calendar, Email, Microsoft
Integrate Mailchimp Transactional with ScalrIntegrate Mailchimp Transactional with Scalr

Mailchimp Transactional

Transactional Email
Integrate Trello with ScalrIntegrate Trello with Scalr


Project Management
Integrate Microsoft Teams with ScalrIntegrate Microsoft Teams with Scalr

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft, Team Chat
Integrate DigitalOcean with ScalrIntegrate DigitalOcean with Scalr


Website Builders
Integrate Google Sheets with ScalrIntegrate Google Sheets with Scalr

Google Sheets

Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Notion with ScalrIntegrate Notion with Scalr


Task Management
Integrate Microsoft Office 365 with ScalrIntegrate Microsoft Office 365 with Scalr

Microsoft Office 365

Email, Microsoft

Top companies trust Zapier to automate work and free up time

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Quickly automate Scalr integrations with Zapier's templates

  • Post new Scalr events to Slack

    Try it
    • Scalr logo
    • Slack logo
    Scalr + Slack
  • Send new Scalr events to Mailchimp Transactional

    Try it
    • Scalr logo
    • Mailchimp Transactional logo
    Scalr + Mailchimp Transactional
  • Get PagerDuty notifications for Scalr events

    Try it
    • Scalr logo
    • PagerDuty logo
    Scalr + PagerDuty

Post new Scalr events to Slack

Try it
  • Scalr logo
  • Slack logo
Scalr + Slack

Send new Scalr events to Mailchimp Transactional

  • Scalr logo
  • Mailchimp Transactional logo
Scalr + Mailchimp Transactional

Get PagerDuty notifications for Scalr events

  • Scalr logo
  • PagerDuty logo
Scalr + PagerDuty

Supported triggers and actions

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    scalr logo

    About Scalr

    Scalr Cloud Management Platform offers a unified API and web interface for developers and IT users to access and manage infrastructure resources distributed across numerous public and private clouds, such as Amazon Web Services and OpenStack. Scalr delivers the balance required between development autonomy and IT control.

    Related categories

    • Server Monitoring