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3 min read

6 ways to automate Mighty Networks

By Hannah Herman · September 9, 2024
A hero image of the Mighty Networks app logo connected to other app logos on a light yellow background.

No matter what your business does, community marketing is a key way to build trust and engagement among your customers and prospects. And with its tools for creating forums, courses, and events, Might Networks is one of the most powerful community platforms available.

But as any community marketer will tell you, having a great tool doesn't make managing a community easy. There are still a lot of tasks to keep up with, from adding new members to proactively letting existing users know about new content. 

That's where automation comes in. With Zapier's automated workflows—called Zaps—you can streamline the rote tasks that come with running a community. Here are a few of the most popular ways you can connect Might Networks to your other business-critical apps—and automate some busywork.

New to Zapier? It's workflow automation software that lets you focus on what matters. Combine user interfaces, data tables, and logic with thousands of apps to build and automate anything you can imagine. Sign up for free to use this app, and thousands more, with Zapier.

Table of contents

  • Keep your email marketing lists up to date

  • Add new leads and customers to your CRM

  • Back up member data in a spreadsheet

  • Invite new customers to your community

  • Automatically get notified about new members

  • Create flexible workflows with webhooks

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Keep your email marketing lists up to date

When someone takes the time to join or engage with your community, they're essentially raising their hand and saying, "I'm interested in your business or product." But unless you're spending every waking hour monitoring new users or course signups, you can easily miss these opportunities to foster further engagement. 

That's where automation comes in. You can use a Zap to automatically add new members (or course registrants) to a specific email marketing list, so you can easily stay in touch. But that's just the beginning; you can also create a Zap that updates—or tags—existing subscribers based on their Might Networks activity. 

Subscribe new Mighty Network members to Mailchimp lists

Subscribe new Mighty Network members to Mailchimp lists
  • Mighty Networks logo
  • Mailchimp logo
Mighty Networks + Mailchimp

Create or update ActiveCampaign contacts from new Mighty Network members

Create or update ActiveCampaign contacts from new Mighty Network members
  • Mighty Networks logo
  • ActiveCampaign logo
Mighty Networks + ActiveCampaign

Create or update Flodesk subscribers with new Mighty Networks member actions

Create or update Flodesk subscribers with new Mighty Networks member actions
  • Mighty Networks logo
  • Flodesk logo
Mighty Networks + Flodesk

Add tags to ConvertKit subscribers for new members in Mighty Networks

Add tags to ConvertKit subscribers for new members in Mighty Networks
  • Mighty Networks logo
  • ConvertKit logo
Mighty Networks + ConvertKit

Create or update MailerLite subscribers for new Mighty Networks members

Create or update MailerLite subscribers for new Mighty Networks members
  • Mighty Networks logo
  • MailerLite Classic logo
Mighty Networks + MailerLite Classic

Add new leads and customers to your CRM

Community marketing can be a great way to generate a sales pipeline and stay connected to existing customers. But sales and success teams likely don't spend most of their time in Might Networks—they use a customer relationship management (CRM) tool throughout the customer lifecycle. That can create a big visibility problem, where sales and success don't always have the most up-to-date community member information. 

Instead of spending valuable time manually moving members or registrants into your CRM, you can automate the process with Zapier. Just create a Zap that creates new CRM contacts—or updates existing ones—based on Might Networks member activity. 

Create or update HubSpot contacts for new members in Mighty Networks

Create or update HubSpot contacts for new members in Mighty Networks
  • Mighty Networks logo
  • HubSpot logo
Mighty Networks + HubSpot

Add/update contacts in LeadConnector for new or updated Mighty Networks member actions

Add/update contacts in LeadConnector for new or updated Mighty Networks member actions
  • Mighty Networks logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Mighty Networks + LeadConnector

You can also use a similar Zap to manage leads within your advertising platform. 

Add Contact to Customer List With Email in Google Ads for Member Action in Mighty Networks

Add Contact to Customer List With Email in Google Ads for Member Action in Mighty Networks
  • Mighty Networks logo
  • Google Ads logo
Mighty Networks + Google Ads

Back up member data in a spreadsheet

No matter how many sophisticated apps you use, there's no replacement for the trusty spreadsheet. They're a fundamental tool for organizing and analyzing large amounts of information—and they're also a great way to back up your app data.

Rather than manually exporting or copy-pasting your Might Networks user data into a sheet, you can fully automate the process. Just create a Zap that adds member information—from signups to course registrations and more—into a sheet as a new row. 

Create Google Sheet rows for new Mighty Networks members

Create Google Sheet rows for new Mighty Networks members
  • Mighty Networks logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Mighty Networks + Google Sheets

Create Airtable records for new Mighty Networks member actions

Create Airtable records for new Mighty Networks member actions
  • Mighty Networks logo
  • Airtable logo
Mighty Networks + Airtable

Invite new customers to your community

When someone makes a purchase, it's a great opportunity for community marketing—which lets you stay in touch, foster engagement, and even nurture any potential upsell or renewal opportunities. But if you're dealing with a high volume of purchases, it's impossible to manually invite each and every customer to join your community.

Thankfully, it's easy to automate that work. You can create a Zap that automatically invites customers to join your Mighty Networks community as soon as they've made a purchase—so you can get started fostering engagement right away. 

Send Mighty Network invitations with new ThriveCart purchases

Send Mighty Network invitations with new ThriveCart purchases
  • ThriveCart logo
  • Mighty Networks logo
ThriveCart + Mighty Networks

Invite members in Mighty Networks for new orders in SamCart

Invite members in Mighty Networks for new orders in SamCart
  • SamCart logo
  • Mighty Networks logo
SamCart + Mighty Networks

Add new Digistore24 orders to Mighty Networks as invited members

Add new Digistore24 orders to Mighty Networks as invited members
  • Digistore24 logo
  • Mighty Networks logo
Digistore24 + Mighty Networks

Post Mighty Network invitations with new PayPal sales

Post Mighty Network invitations with new PayPal sales
  • PayPal logo
  • Mighty Networks logo
PayPal + Mighty Networks

Do you also like to reward community members with badges when they've completed a course or reached a participation goal? With these Zaps, you can celebrate those milestones by automatically applying (or removing) badges to members based on their activity. 

Manage Mighty Network badges when Google Calendar events end

Manage Mighty Network badges when Google Calendar events end
  • Google Calendar logo
  • Mighty Networks logo
Google Calendar + Mighty Networks

Assign badges in Mighty Networks when members level up

Assign badges in Mighty Networks when members level up
  • Mighty Networks logo
  • Mighty Networks logo
Mighty Networks

Assign badges in Mighty Networks for new Typeform submissions

Assign badges in Mighty Networks for new Typeform submissions
  • Typeform logo
  • Mighty Networks logo
Typeform + Mighty Networks

Assign badges in Mighty Networks based on member activity

Assign badges in Mighty Networks based on member activity
  • Mighty Networks logo
  • Mighty Networks logo
Mighty Networks

Automatically get notified about new members

A key aspect of community management is being responsive. When a new member joins or someone posts a question, you need to know—so you can act quickly. But unless you have a team of community managers monitoring your Might Networks community 24/7, something is bound to fall through the cracks.

Rather than waste time watching for important member activity, you can create a Zap to automatically notify you or reach out to your new member instantly. Whether you want to keep an eye on signups, new questions, or something else, Zapier can let you know about that activity via email, Slack, or SMS or send a fast response to your community.

Send Gmail emails for new members in Mighty Networks

Send Gmail emails for new members in Mighty Networks
  • Mighty Networks logo
  • Gmail logo
Mighty Networks + Gmail

Send channel messages in Slack for new member actions in Mighty Networks

Send channel messages in Slack for new member actions in Mighty Networks
  • Mighty Networks logo
  • Slack logo
Mighty Networks + Slack

Send an SMS text message when someone asks new questions in your Mighty Network

Send an SMS text message when someone asks new questions in your Mighty Network
  • Mighty Networks logo
  • SMS by Zapier logo
Mighty Networks + SMS by Zapier

Create flexible workflows with webhooks

Need more flexibility with your Might Networks workflows? Don't worry: you can still use Zapier to automate them. With webhooks, you can use Zapier to create new member invites based on activity in any app with an API. 

Invite new members in Mighty Networks from a webhook

Invite new members in Mighty Networks from a webhook
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • Mighty Networks logo
Webhooks by Zapier + Mighty Networks

Focus on building community with automation

Community marketing should be about creating real relationships, not keeping up with a never-ending list of tasks. With Zapier, you can cut down on that manual work—and turn Might Networks into the center of powerful workflows for fostering engagement.

And this is just the start of what you can do with Mighty Networks and Zapier. What will you automate first?

Related reading:

  • Creating an active and engaged community with automation

  • Discord automation ideas

  • Your guide to social media automation

This article was originally published in August 2024, written by Hannah Herman. It was lightly updated in September 2024 by Elena Alston.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'