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What's new for Asana: Create projects from templates, duplicate tasks, and more!

By Elena Alston · August 16, 2022

From small tasks to big collaborative projects, Asana organizes work so teams know what to do, why it matters, and how to get it done. We're excited to announce a brand new way to automate that work with some much-requested new actions and updates to Zapier's Asana integration

These include:

  • Create a project from a template (action)

  • Duplicate tasks (action)

  • Text formatting

  • Pagination fixes

Create a project from a template

Instead of manually creating new projects from a template in Asana whenever you're managing projects, you can now use Zapier to automatically create a project from a template whenever trigger events happen in other apps. For example, if you're onboarding a new client, you can trigger their project flow in seconds. 

Duplicate tasks

If you're managing a lot of projects inside Asana, duplicating tasks can help speed up the process but still takes time to do manually. That's why you can now automatically duplicate Asana tasks using Zapier whenever trigger events happen in other apps you use. For example, creating the same tasks across multiple projects? Automate the duplication. 

Create a task with text formatting

You can now format your Asana text the way you like in your Zaps, as we've added HTML notes for rich text formatting. For example, when creating new tasks, you'll be able to automatically add bold text to task descriptions and more!

Pagination fixes

A lot of folks have been having trouble with pagination. This happens when there are too many tasks coming back from Asana, which makes the payload too large to render. We've now fixed this, so things should be running more smoothly!

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'