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Scale your workflows with a private integration

Custom-build an integration just for your team with Zapier's automation platform.

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Empower your team with 3rd-party tools

Meet your team's unique needs by creating custom automation workflows.

Leverage the power of Zapier's ecosystem

Integrate your business-critical tools with 6,000+ apps to solve the complex needs of your organization.

Extend an integration's functionality

Create custom triggers and actions to update the functionality of existing workflows.

Improve your workflows with a Zapier integration

public workflow

What's a public integration?

An integration for public use and accessible to all Zapier customers.

Learn more
private workflow

What's a private integration?

For personal, internal-team, or controlled-access use.


Which is right for me?

Check out our documentation to learn more about your options. 

"Zapier's platform puts a UI to building with an API—something that is difficult to do. Our team can move faster with less time and resource investment, which has helped us validate integration use cases and iterate quickly to better serve our customers."

Jacob Parker

Product Manager at Wunderite

Person working

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