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Easily add automation to your product

Embed Zapier to unlock the power of automation for all your customers.

Learn how

Our industry-leading partners leverage Zapier so their users can automate at scale

  • Google Ads
  • Jotform
  • Meta
  • Eventbrite
  • TikTok

We partner with the world’s leading technology companies

  • Google Ads
  • Jotform
  • Meta
  • Eventbrite
  • TikTok

Put automation in users’ reach

Give customers access to an end-to-end automation experience so they can discover and build powerful workflows.

Increase customer stickiness

Cut down on context-switching. Keep users engaged in your app by surfacing relevant, pre-built workflows.

Expand connectivity

Help your users connect thousands of apps, which also leads to higher customer retention and increased lifetime value.

Design an embedded automation experience that scales with your product

Leverage Zapier's embed tools to provide a comprehensive and consistent user experience.

Embed Zapier to grow your users

"Giving users a better experience is always a top priority for us, and [embedding Zapier] fits perfectly with that value. It unlocks a world of opportunities for our users, cementing as the hub and source of truth for their day-to-day tasks."

Roy Povarchik

Head of Growth at

"Zapier's Partner API allowed us to present a consistent, native user experience with our branding and style while offering Zapier functionality. Jotform sees a 1.5x higher retention rate amongst users who automate tasks with Zapier."

Uğur Ugurlu

Head of Integrations at Jotform

Seamlessly integrate Zap creation into your own app

Bring Zapier's powerful automation capabilities into your app and site so your customers can create Zaps with your app’s custom UI. With the Workflow API, your users can access specific apps and templates they need directly within your app—that way, they can automate work in minutes and tackle their biggest challenges.

Plus, our team will guide you via technical support for a smooth, tailored integration.

Check out the Workflow API
Workflow API integration plugged in apps

Easily embed Zapier with pre-built tooling

With just a few clicks, the Workflow Element allows your customers to create automated workflows with their go-to tools, manage existing Zaps, and try out pre-made Zap templates. It's a pre-built UI component that's the quickest—and easiest—way to surface your Zapier integration directly within your own product.

View the Workflow Element
Zapier workflow templates embedded

See how other companies build with Zapier

Learn how other companies empower their users with effortless app integration and automation abilities. Whether you want to quickly embed pre-made Zap templates or create fully customized workflows, our embed tools help your customers connect your apps with all their other go-to tools and services.

interface of your app connecting with another app

When Zapier partners use an embed tool, more customers use their integration

Ask us which option is best for your product.

HugginFace logo connecting to AI

How AI tools Leap AI and Hugging Face reach no-code audiences with Zapier

Learn more
Zapier logo connecting to Paperform

How Paperform's Zapier integration increased its user retention rate

Zapier logo connecting to Clearbit

How Clearbit reduces churn by showcasing its Zapier integration

Person working

There's more to explore