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  2. The small business guide to automation
  3. Spreadsheets and databases

Spreadsheets and databases

By Zapier • Published March 1, 2021

Spreadsheets and databases are tried-and-true tools for executing key business tasks that your other apps can't handle. Perhaps you need a database for data you want to be able to look at all at once, like product or parts inventory, event registrants, or employees. A spreadsheet can solve mathematical needs, like budgeting, ordering, and payroll. Or you might use one as a "storage unit" source of truth for all your important data.

You'll need to pick the right one for your business and then make sure you're using them correctly—spreadsheets and databases are actually quite different from each other. A great database or spreadsheet offers capabilities for slicing and dicing data with basic math operations, visualization options, and advanced features like pivot tables and conditional formatting. DIY automation pairs well with databases since you can customize workflows according to the ecosystem you've built.

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How to use spreadsheets and databases to your advantage

Spreadsheets and databases house your important data, help you analyze it, and sometimes act as an approval or task tracker. Automation helps you connect those functions with the other apps that are integral to your processes.

Don't see your software here? Zapier works with thousands of apps, so there's a good chance that your tools work on our platform. Visit the Zapier App Directory to learn more about the spreadsheets and databases on the Zapier platform.

Get notifications

When an important spreadsheet or database gets updated by a member of your team, get an alert that helps you stay on top of new additions. Instead of fishing around each sheet for updated info, you'll have a log of the changes made.

Be in the know:

Back up data

Relying on third-party platforms to store important information like client contact info is risky, but manually moving information from one place to another is inefficient. Set up Zaps to automate moving that data into a spreadsheet or database. Having a trusty backup running in the background could save you from wasting time tracking down lost information later.

Set up Zaps to store backups of all your most valuable information:

Create a custom archive

Keep a special record of business operations that matter the most. Store emails or form responses in a custom archive for safekeeping. You can even log social media activity, like new messages to your Facebook page or new reviews on Google My Business, to be able to refer back to it later easily.

Store an automatic backup for safekeeping:

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