People HR Integrations

HR Talent & Recruitment

Do more with People HR integrations

Zapier lets you connect People HR with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

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Or pick an app to pair witharrow pointing down
Integrate Salesforce with People HRIntegrate Salesforce with People HR


CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Integrate Formstack Documents with People HRIntegrate Formstack Documents with People HR

Formstack Documents

Integrate Zinc with People HRIntegrate Zinc with People HR


HR Talent & Recruitment
Integrate Microsoft Office 365 with People HRIntegrate Microsoft Office 365 with People HR

Microsoft Office 365

Email, Microsoft
Integrate Azure Active Directory with People HRIntegrate Azure Active Directory with People HR

Azure Active Directory

Microsoft, Security & Identity Tools
Integrate Microsoft Teams with People HRIntegrate Microsoft Teams with People HR

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft, Team Chat
Integrate Okta with People HRIntegrate Okta with People HR


Security & Identity Tools
Integrate Deputy with People HRIntegrate Deputy with People HR


Scheduling & Booking
Integrate Trail with People HRIntegrate Trail with People HR


Task Management
Integrate Salesforce with People HRIntegrate Salesforce with People HR


CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Integrate Formstack Documents with People HRIntegrate Formstack Documents with People HR

Formstack Documents

Integrate Zinc with People HRIntegrate Zinc with People HR


HR Talent & Recruitment
Integrate Microsoft Office 365 with People HRIntegrate Microsoft Office 365 with People HR

Microsoft Office 365

Email, Microsoft
Integrate Azure Active Directory with People HRIntegrate Azure Active Directory with People HR

Azure Active Directory

Microsoft, Security & Identity Tools
Integrate Microsoft Teams with People HRIntegrate Microsoft Teams with People HR

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft, Team Chat
Integrate Salesforce with People HRIntegrate Salesforce with People HR


CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Integrate Formstack Documents with People HRIntegrate Formstack Documents with People HR

Formstack Documents

Integrate Zinc with People HRIntegrate Zinc with People HR


HR Talent & Recruitment
Integrate Microsoft Office 365 with People HRIntegrate Microsoft Office 365 with People HR

Microsoft Office 365

Email, Microsoft
Integrate Azure Active Directory with People HRIntegrate Azure Active Directory with People HR

Azure Active Directory

Microsoft, Security & Identity Tools
Integrate Microsoft Teams with People HRIntegrate Microsoft Teams with People HR

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft, Team Chat
Integrate Okta with People HRIntegrate Okta with People HR


Security & Identity Tools
Integrate Deputy with People HRIntegrate Deputy with People HR


Scheduling & Booking
Integrate Trail with People HRIntegrate Trail with People HR


Task Management

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Quickly automate People HR integrations with Zapier's templates

  • Add Process Street workflow run when someone leaves in People HR

    Try it
    • People HR logo
    • Process Street logo
    People HR + Process Street
  • Create a new checklist in Process Street when a starter is added in People HR

    Try it
    • People HR logo
    • Process Street logo
    People HR + Process Street
  • Send notifications of new employees in People HR as Moxtra messages

    Try it
    • People HR logo
    • Moxo logo
    People HR + Moxo
  • Send emails for new People HR starters

    Try it
    • People HR logo
    • Email by Zapier logo
    People HR + Email by Zapier
  • Send emails for new People HR leavers

    Try it
    • People HR logo
    • Email by Zapier logo
    People HR + Email by Zapier
  • Add users to Forms On Fire from new ones on People HR

    Try it
    • People HR logo
    • Forms On Fire logo
    People HR + Forms On Fire

Add Process Street workflow run when someone leaves in People HR

Try it
  • People HR logo
  • Process Street logo
People HR + Process Street

Create a new checklist in Process Street when a starter is added in People HR

  • People HR logo
  • Process Street logo
People HR + Process Street

Send notifications of new employees in People HR as Moxtra messages

  • People HR logo
  • Moxo logo
People HR + Moxo

Send emails for new People HR starters

  • People HR logo
  • Email by Zapier logo
People HR + Email by Zapier

Send emails for new People HR leavers

  • People HR logo
  • Email by Zapier logo
People HR + Email by Zapier

Add users to Forms On Fire from new ones on People HR

  • People HR logo
  • Forms On Fire logo
People HR + Forms On Fire

Supported triggers and actions

people-hr logo
people-hr logo

About People HR

People delivers an HR administration solution for HR professionals working in small and mid-sized companies. People HR constructs insightful graphic reports, offers expert “follow me” guidance, and engages people on missions through high-impact tasks.

Related categories

  • HR Talent & Recruitment