New for Zapier for Teams: You Can Now Share an Entire Folder of Zaps

Sean Kennedy
Sean Kennedy / December 12, 2017

When shared folders launched at the end of October, teams were given the ability to share and collaborate on Zaps with everyone on their team. Team members could move a Zap from a private folder to a shared folder and it would be instantly shared.

However, what if you wanted to share 20, 50, or over 100 Zaps with your team? While talking with our customers, we realized there was a need for an easier way to share large numbers of Zaps since moving them one by one was tedious and time-consuming. Being big fans of removing tedious and repetitive work, Zapier for Teams has now been updated to let you share an entire folder (and all the Zaps in it) with your team in one easy step.

How to Share a Private Folder of Zaps with Your Team

  1. Hover over the private folder you would like to share with your team and click the gear icon that appears.
  2. In the dropdown, select Share to share the entire folder (and all Zaps inside) with your team.
  3. If any of the Zaps in the folder use a private app account, such as your personal Slack or Gmail account, you will see a warning message notifying you. If you're ok sharing information from your private apps with your team then click the Share Folder button to share the folder.

    If you don't want to share the information from those private apps, then either move those Zaps to a different folder before sharing or update those Zaps to use a shared connected account instead of your private account.

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