New for Our Redbooth Integration: Use Zaps to Prioritize and Delegate Tasks

Kim Kadiyala
Kim Kadiyala / April 3, 2018

Not all tasks are created equal. The latest update to the Redbooth-Zapier integration can help you prioritize and delegate the tasks that land in your workspace. Now when you create Zaps with the Create Task Action, you can programmatically add assignees, due dates, and mark new tasks as urgent. That way, you’ll easily spot what needs your immediate attention, and what can wait until after your morning coffee.

What's New with the Redbooth + Zapier Integration

Updates to an Action

  • Added assignees, due date, and urgency parameters to the Create Task Action.

How to Automate Redbooth with Zapier

  1. Make sure you have a Zapier account and a Redbooth account

  2. Try some pre-made Redbooth integrations and learn more about how Redbooth works with Zapier

  3. Check out our Redbooth help documentation for details on connecting your account and setting up your first Zap

  4. Or login to build a custom workflow with Redbooth and Zapier