Connect Facebook Lead Ads and LeadConnector to unlock the power of automation
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Set up your first integration
Quickly connect Facebook Lead Ads to LeadConnector with a Zapier template.
Our most popular template
How Zapier works
Zapier makes it easy to integrate Facebook Lead Ads with LeadConnector - no code necessary. See how you can get setup in minutes.
Select a trigger from Facebook Lead Ads
Setup an action from LeadConnector
That’s it! You just connected Facebook Lead Ads to LeadConnector
Zapier is the automation platform of choice for 87% of Forbes Cloud 100 companies in 2023
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Customers have created over 25 million Zaps on the platform
6 mins
The average user takes less than 6 minutes to set up a Zap
Frequently Asked Questions about Facebook Lead Ads + LeadConnector integrations
New to automation with Zapier? You're not alone. Here are some answers to common questions about how Zapier works with Facebook Lead Ads and LeadConnector
What triggers are available when integrating Facebook Lead Ads with LeadConnector?
When integrating Facebook Lead Ads with LeadConnector, the primary trigger is a new lead submission. This trigger activates whenever a new lead fills out your form on Facebook, allowing you to automatically capture and process their information in real-time.
Can I customize actions in LeadConnector based on specific Facebook Lead Ads triggers?
Yes, you can customize actions in LeadConnector to respond to specific trigger events from Facebook Lead Ads. For example, once a new lead is captured as a trigger, you can set up actions like sending automated emails or adding the lead's details into your CRM system.
Is it possible to filter which leads are sent from Facebook Lead Ads to LeadConnector?
Indeed, it's possible to set up filters in the integration process. You can determine criteria that only allow certain leads to pass through from Facebook Lead Ads to LeadConnector based on attributes such as location or responses provided.
How often do the integrations between Facebook Lead Ads and LeadConnector run?
Our system processes new lead data from Facebook immediately upon submission, triggering aligned actions in LeadConnector without noticeable delays. This ensures that your systems are updated as soon as possible.
Can I map custom fields from my Facebook lead ad forms into our CRM via LeadConnector?
Yes, mapping custom fields is supported. During setup, you must align the fields from your Facebook form with those in your CRM through LeadConnector’s interface—ensuring all necessary data is accurately transferred.
What happens if there’s an error during the transfer of leads from Facebook to our CRM via LeadConnector?
If there’s an error during data transfer, our system logs these incidents and will notify you immediately. You can also set up alerts within the platform so corrective action can be taken swiftly.
Can previously collected leads be added retroactively into my system through this integration?
The integration primarily focuses on capturing new leads going forward. However, for retroactive input of previously collected leads, exporting them manually from Facebook and importing them into your CRM would be required.
Supported triggers and actions
Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.
- PageRequired
- Form
- FBLA_copy
Try ItTriggerInstant- First NameRequired
- Last NameRequired
- Business nameRequired
- User Phone
- EmailRequired
- Address
- City
- State / Prov / Region
- Postal Code
- Tags (comma delimited string for multiple tags)
- Source
- Mark as LeadRequired
- Notes
- Business Name
- CountryRequired
- Date Of Birth
ActionWrite- CampaignRequired
- First NameRequired
- Last NameRequired
- Business nameRequired
- User Phone
- EmailRequired
- Address
- City
- State / Prov / Region
- Postal Code
- Tags (comma delimited string for multiple tags)
- Source
- Lead Source
- Notes
- Event Time (Must be in ISO 8601 format ie. 2019-02-08T13:35:00-08:00)
ActionWrite- Assign to User
- Task TitleRequired
- Task DescriptionRequired
- Due Date (Must be in ISO 8601 format ie. 2019-02-08T13:35:00-08:00)
- First NameRequired
- Last NameRequired
- User Phone
- EmailRequired
- In PipelineRequired
- Moved to Stage
Try ItTriggerInstant- First NameRequired
- Last NameRequired
- Business nameRequired
- User Phone
- EmailRequired
- Address
- City
- State / Prov / Region
- CountryRequired
- Postal Code
- Tags (comma delimited string for multiple tags)
- Source
- Mark as LeadRequired
- Notes
- In PipelineRequired
- Select StageRequired
- Assign to User
ActionWrite- User Phone
- EmailRequired
- First NameRequired
- Last NameRequired
- Business nameRequired