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Code-first automation for your workflows

Prefer code over no-code? Leverage the magic of Zapier—including easy-to-configure triggers, APIs at your fingertips, and easy deployments—but do it your way.

Try the Beta

By signing up, you agree to Zapier's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Zapier interface showing how to run a Function using Google Sheets as a trigger and Slack as the action

Code, test, and deploy your workflow in minutes

Configure triggers and define your entire workflow in our web IDE.

Seamlessly integrate with 7,000+ third-party APIs

Leverage Zapier's built-in library that gives you access to more than 7,000+ popular integrations.

Let Zapier manage auth, hosting, and more

Reduced overhead and maintenance while taking advantage of Zapier’s existing infrastructure.

Power your automated workflows—all with code

Seamlessly integrate your systems with third-party tools

No more wrangling with authentication tokens and API docs. Easily integrate your production systems with third-party tools through Zapier’s 7,000+ integrations.

Automate manual processes with code

Build code-first systems that automate entire business processes across teams and departments.

Prototype and build MVPs faster

Go from idea to proof-of-concept in minutes so you can get feedback from your teammates and users quickly.



Learn how to get started

Early Access Program

Work directly with the Zapier Product team to share feedback and guide the Functions roadmap.

Join Zapier Early Access

By signing up, you agree to Zapier's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.


minus iconHow can I try Functions?

Sign up for Zapier’s Early Access program to give Zapier Functions a try. Once you sign up, a member of Zapier's Product team will contact you via email.

Join the Early Access Program

minus iconWho should use Zapier Functions?

Zapier Functions is a code-first tool created for engineers, developers, and code-savvy teams to automate processes and integrate systems.

minus iconWhat level of support should I expect from the Zapier team as I test new products?

As a member of the Early Access program, you'll be able to connect with members of our Product team for onboarding support and to share your valuable feedback. However, we may not be able to provide technical product support with bugs. While we may not respond to your issue in 24 hours, we will respond as quickly as possible. You can also expect to hear from our Product team directly as we roll out product fixes and improvements.

minus iconWhere can I submit feedback?

Visit the Zapier Functions portal to submit a feature request or report an issue.

Visit the Zapier Functions portal

minus iconHow much does Zapier Functions cost?

Currently, Functions is free with the following limits:

  • Three total Functions
  • 1,500 tasks/month

If you run into either limit and would like to increase your allocated Functions or tasks, please grab time with a member of our team using our Help Portal here.

minus iconWhere can I learn more about using Zapier Functions?

Learn more about Functions by visiting

Learn more

minus iconHow does Zapier Functions differ from the Zapier Visual Editor?

Zapier Functions is a workflow-building tool catering to developers. Rather than building workflows using visual components, you'll create your workflow using code.