Connect Fatture in Cloud and HubSpot to unlock the power of automation
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Quickly connect Fatture in Cloud to HubSpot with a Zapier template.
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How Zapier works
Zapier makes it easy to integrate Fatture in Cloud with HubSpot - no code necessary. See how you can get setup in minutes.
Select a trigger from Fatture in Cloud
A trigger is an event that starts your Zap and runs the workflow. For example, with Fatture in Cloud, a trigger could be "Receive Enriched Event."
Setup an action from HubSpot
An action is what takes place after the automation is triggered. For example, with HubSpot, the action could be "Add Contact to List."
That’s it! You just connected Fatture in Cloud to HubSpot
With Zapier, it’s never been easier to connect your apps together and automate your most tedious work. Save hours every month.
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Customers have created over 25 million Zaps on the platform
6 mins
The average user takes less than 6 minutes to set up a Zap
Supported triggers and actions
Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.
- Company IDRequired
- Resource TypeRequired
- Event TypesRequired
Try ItTriggerInstant- Company IDRequired
- Archive document id - []
- Archive document date - []
- Archive Document description - [data.description]
- [Temporary] [Read Only] Archive Document url of the attached file - [data.attachment_url]
- Archive document category - [data.category]
- [Write Only] [Required] Archive document attachment token returned by POST /archive/attachment - [data.attachment_token]
ActionWrite- Company IDRequired
- Archive document id - []
- Client code - [data.code]
- Client name - []
- Cashbook type - [data.type]
- Client first name - [data.first_name]
- Client last name - [data.last_name]
- Client contact person - [data.contact_person]
- Client vat number - [data.vat_number]
- Client tax code - [data.tax_code]
- Client address street - [data.address_street]
- Client address postal code - [data.address_postal_code]
- Client address city - [data.address_city]
- Client address province - [data.address_province]
- Client address extra info - [data.address_extra]
- Client country - []
- Client country iso code - [data.country_iso]
- Client email - []
- Client certified email - [data.certified_email]
- Client phone - []
- Client fax - [data.fax]
- Client extra - [data.notes]
- Vat type id - []
- [Read Only] Vat type percentual value - [data.default_vat.value]
- Vat type short description - [data.default_vat.description]
- Vat type notes shown in documents - [data.default_vat.notes]
- Vat type is usable for e-invoices - [data.default_vat.e_invoice]
- Vat type e-invoice type (natura) - [data.default_vat.ei_type]
- Vat type e-invoice description - [data.default_vat.ei_description]
- [Read Only] Is the vat type is editable. - [data.default_vat.editable]
- Is the vat type disabled - [data.default_vat.is_disabled]
- If the vat type is default - [data.default_vat.default]
- Client default payment terms - [data.default_payment_terms]
- Payment terms type - [data.default_payment_terms_type]
- Payment method id - []
- Payment method name - []
- Payment method type - [data.default_payment_method.type]
- Payment method is default - [data.default_payment_method.is_default]
- Payment account id - []
- Payment account name - []
- Payment account type - [data.default_payment_method.default_payment_account.type]
- Payment account iban - [data.default_payment_method.default_payment_account.iban]
- Payment account sia - [data.default_payment_method.default_payment_account.sia]
- Payment account cuc - [data.default_payment_method.default_payment_account.cuc]
- Payment method is virtual - [data.default_payment_method.default_payment_account.virtual]
- Payment method details title - [data.default_payment_method.details.title]
- Payment method details description - [data.default_payment_method.details.description]
- Payment method bank iban - [data.default_payment_method.bank_iban]
- Payment method bank name - [data.default_payment_method.bank_name]
- Payment method bank beneficiary - [data.default_payment_method.bank_beneficiary]
- E-invoice payment method - [data.default_payment_method.ei_payment_method]
- Client bank name - [data.bank_name]
- Client bank iban - [data.bank_iban]
- Client bank swift code - [data.bank_swift_code]
- Client shipping address - [data.shipping_address]
- Use e-invoices for this entity - [data.e_invoice]
- Client e-invoice code - [data.ei_code]
- Highlight Discount - [data.discount_highlight]
- Client default discount - [data.default_discount]
- Client has intent declaration - [data.has_intent_declaration]
- Client intent declaration protocol number - [data.intent_declaration_protocol_number]
- Client intent declaration protocol date - [data.intent_declaration_protocol_date]
- Client creation date - [data.created_at]
- Client last update date - [data.updated_at]
ActionWrite- Company IDRequired
- Archive document id - []
- Entity id - []
- Entity code - [data.entity.code]
- Entity name - []
- Entity type - [data.entity.type]
- Entity first name - [data.entity.first_name]
- Entity last name - [data.entity.last_name]
- Entity contact person - [data.entity.contact_person]
- Entity vat number - [data.entity.vat_number]
- Entity tax code - [data.entity.tax_code]
- Entitity address street - [data.entity.address_street]
- Entity address postal code - [data.entity.address_postal_code]
- Entity address city - [data.entity.address_city]
- Entity address province - [data.entity.address_province]
- Entity address extra info - [data.entity.address_extra]
- Entity country - []
- Entity country iso code - [data.entity.country_iso]
- Entity email - []
- Entity certified email - [data.entity.certified_email]
- Entity phone - []
- Entity fax - [data.entity.fax]
- Entity extra - [data.entity.notes]
- [Only for client] Client default payment terms - [data.entity.default_payment_terms]
- Vat type id - []
- [Read Only] Vat type percentual value - [data.entity.default_vat.value]
- Vat type short description - [data.entity.default_vat.description]
- Vat type notes shown in documents - [data.entity.default_vat.notes]
- Vat type is usable for e-invoices - [data.entity.default_vat.e_invoice]
- Vat type e-invoice type (natura) - [data.entity.default_vat.ei_type]
- Vat type e-invoice description - [data.entity.default_vat.ei_description]
- [Read Only] Is the vat type is editable. - [data.entity.default_vat.editable]
- Is the vat type disabled - [data.entity.default_vat.is_disabled]
- If the vat type is default - [data.entity.default_vat.default]
- Payment terms type - [data.entity.default_payment_terms_type]
- Payment method id - []
- Payment method name - []
- Payment method type - [data.entity.default_payment_method.type]
- Payment method is default - [data.entity.default_payment_method.is_default]
- Payment account id - []
- Payment account name - []
- Payment account type - [data.entity.default_payment_method.default_payment_account.type]
- Payment account iban - [data.entity.default_payment_method.default_payment_account.iban]
- Payment account sia - [data.entity.default_payment_method.default_payment_account.sia]
- Payment account cuc - [data.entity.default_payment_method.default_payment_account.cuc]
- Payment method is virtual - [data.entity.default_payment_method.default_payment_account.virtual]
- Payment method details title - [data.entity.default_payment_method.details.title]
- Payment method details description - [data.entity.default_payment_method.details.description]
- Payment method bank iban - [data.entity.default_payment_method.bank_iban]
- Payment method bank name - [data.entity.default_payment_method.bank_name]
- Payment method bank beneficiary - [data.entity.default_payment_method.bank_beneficiary]
- E-invoice payment method - [data.entity.default_payment_method.ei_payment_method]
- [Only for client] Client bank name - [data.entity.bank_name]
- [Only for client] Client bank iban - [data.entity.bank_iban]
- [Only for client] Client bank swift code - [data.entity.bank_swift_code]
- [Only for client] Client Shipping address - [data.entity.shipping_address]
- [Only for client] Use e-invoices. - [data.entity.e_invoice]
- [Only for client] E-invoices code. - [data.entity.ei_code]
- [Only for client] Has intent declaration. - [data.entity.has_intent_declaration]
- [Only for client] Client intent declaration protocol number - [data.entity.intent_declaration_protocol_number]
- [Only for client] Client intent declaration protocol date - [data.entity.intent_declaration_protocol_date]
- Entity creation date - [data.entity.created_at]
- Entity last update date - [data.entity.updated_at]
- Cashbook type - [data.type]
- Issued document number [If not specified, next number is used] - [data.number]
- Issued document numeration [Not available if type=delivery_note] - [data.numeration]
- Archive document date - []
- Issued document year - [data.year]
- Currency code - []
- Currency symbol - [data.currency.symbol]
- Currency exchange rate (EUR to this) - [data.currency.exchange_rate]
- Currency html code - [data.currency.html_symbol]
- Language code - [data.language.code]
- Language extended name - []
- Issued document subject [not shown on the PDF] - [data.subject]
- Issued document visible subject - [data.visible_subject]
- Issued document revenue center [or cost center if type=supplier_order]. - [data.rc_center]
- Client extra - [data.notes]
- Issued document "Rivalsa INPS" percentual value - [data.rivalsa]
- Issued document "Cassa previdenziale" percentual value - [data.cassa]
- [Read Only] Issued document cassa amount. - [data.amount_cassa]
- Issued document cassa taxable percentage - [data.cassa_taxable]
- [Can be set only if cassa_taxable is NULL] Issued document cassa taxable amount - [data.amount_cassa_taxable]
- Issued document "Cassa previdenziale 2" percentual value - [data.cassa2]
- [Read Only] Issued document cassa2 amount - [data.amount_cassa2]
- Issued document cassa2 taxable percentage - [data.cassa2_taxable]
- [Can be set only if cassa2_taxable is NULL] Issued document cassa2 taxable amount - [data.amount_cassa2_taxable]
- Issued document global cassa taxable percentage - [data.global_cassa_taxable]
- [Can be set only if global_cassa_taxable is NULL] Issued document global cassa taxable amount - [data.amount_global_cassa_taxable]
- Issued document withholding tax (ritenuta d'acconto) percentual value - [data.withholding_tax]
- Issued document withholding tax taxable (imponibile) percentual value - [data.withholding_tax_taxable]
- Issued document other withholding tax (altra ritenuta) percentual value - [data.other_withholding_tax]
- Issued document stamp duty value [0 if not present] - [data.stamp_duty]
- Payment method id - []
- Payment method name - []
- Payment method type - [data.payment_method.type]
- Payment method is default - [data.payment_method.is_default]
- Payment account id - []
- Payment account name - []
- Payment account type - [data.payment_method.default_payment_account.type]
- Payment account iban - [data.payment_method.default_payment_account.iban]
- Payment account sia - [data.payment_method.default_payment_account.sia]
- Payment account cuc - [data.payment_method.default_payment_account.cuc]
- Payment method is virtual - [data.payment_method.default_payment_account.virtual]
- Payment method details title - [data.payment_method.details.title]
- Payment method details description - [data.payment_method.details.description]
- Payment method bank iban - [data.payment_method.bank_iban]
- Payment method bank name - [data.payment_method.bank_name]
- Payment method bank beneficiary - [data.payment_method.bank_beneficiary]
- E-invoice payment method - [data.payment_method.ei_payment_method]
- Issued document uses split payment - [data.use_split_payment]
- Issued document uses gross prices - [data.use_gross_prices]
- Use e-invoices for this entity - [data.e_invoice]
- Vat kind [esigibilità IVA] - [data.ei_data.vat_kind]
- Issued document original document type - [data.ei_data.original_document_type]
- E-invoice original document number - [data.ei_data.od_number]
- E-invoice original document date - [data.ei_data.od_date]
- E-invoice CIG - [data.ei_data.cig]
- E-invoice CUP - [data.ei_data.cup]
- E-invoice payment method [required for e-invoices] (see [here]( for the accepted values of ModalitaPagamento) - [data.ei_data.payment_method]
- E-invoice bank name - [data.ei_data.bank_name]
- E-invoice bank IBAN - [data.ei_data.bank_iban]
- E-invoice bank beneficiary - [data.ei_data.bank_beneficiary]
- E-invoice invoice number - [data.ei_data.invoice_number]
- E-invoice invoice date - [data.ei_data.invoice_date]
- E-invoice cassa type - [data.ei_cassa_type]
- E-invoice cassa2 type - [data.ei_cassa2_type]
- E-invoice withholding tax causal - [data.ei_withholding_tax_causal]
- E-invoice other withholding tax type - [data.ei_other_withholding_tax_type]
- E-invoice other withholding tax causal - [data.ei_other_withholding_tax_causal]
- Issued document item id - []
- Issued document item product id - [data.items_list.product_id]
- Issued document item product code - [data.items_list.code]
- Issued document item product name - []
- Issued document item product category - [data.items_list.category]
- Issued document product description - [data.items_list.description]
- Issued document item quantity - [data.items_list.qty]
- Issued document item measure - [data.items_list.measure]
- Issued document item net price - [data.items_list.net_price]
- Issued document item gross price - [data.items_list.gross_price]
- Vat type id - []
- [Read Only] Vat type percentual value - [data.items_list.vat.value]
- Vat type short description - [data.items_list.vat.description]
- Vat type notes shown in documents - [data.items_list.vat.notes]
- Vat type is usable for e-invoices - [data.items_list.vat.e_invoice]
- Vat type e-invoice type (natura) - [data.items_list.vat.ei_type]
- Vat type e-invoice description - [data.items_list.vat.ei_description]
- [Read Only] Is the vat type is editable. - [data.items_list.vat.editable]
- Is the vat type disabled - [data.items_list.vat.is_disabled]
- If the vat type is default - [data.items_list.vat.default]
- Issued document item is not taxable - [data.items_list.not_taxable]
- Issued document item apply withholding taxes, rivalsa and cassa - [data.items_list.apply_withholding_taxes]
- Issued document item discount percentual value - []
- Issued document item highlight discount - [data.items_list.discount_highlight]
- Issued document item add in delivery note - [data.items_list.in_dn]
- Issued document item move stock - [data.items_list.stock]
- Issued document advanced raw attributes for e-invoices - [data.items_list.ei_raw]
- Issued document payment item id - []
- Issued document payment due date - [data.payments_list.due_date]
- Issued document payment amount - [data.payments_list.amount]
- Issued document status - [data.payments_list.status]
- Payment account id - []
- Payment account name - []
- Payment account type - [data.payments_list.payment_account.type]
- Payment account iban - [data.payments_list.payment_account.iban]
- Payment account sia - [data.payments_list.payment_account.sia]
- Payment account cuc - [data.payments_list.payment_account.cuc]
- Payment method is virtual - [data.payments_list.payment_account.virtual]
- Issued document payment date [Only if status is paid] - [data.payments_list.paid_date]
- Issued document payment advanced raw attributes for e-invoices - [data.payments_list.ei_raw]
- Issued document payment number of days by which the payment must be made - [data.payments_list.payment_terms.days]
- Payment terms type - [data.payments_list.payment_terms.type]
- Template id - []
- Template name - []
- Template type - [data.template.type]
- Template id - []
- Template name - []
- Template type - [data.delivery_note_template.type]
- Template id - []
- Template name - []
- Template type - [data.acc_inv_template.type]
- Issued document PDF horizontal margins - [data.h_margins]
- Issued document PDF vertical margins - [data.v_margins]
- Show the expiration dates of the payments on the document - [data.show_payments]
- Show the payment method details on the document - [data.show_payment_method]
- Show totals mode - [data.show_totals]
- Show notification button in the PDF - [data.show_notification_button]
- Show ts pay button in the PDF - [data.show_tspay_button]
- Issued document has delivery note - [data.delivery_note]
- Issued document has an accompanying invoice - [data.accompanying_invoice]
- Issued document attached delivery note number - [data.dn_number]
- Issued document attached delivery note date - [data.dn_date]
- Issued document attached delivery note number of packages - [data.dn_ai_packages_number]
- Issued document attached delivery note package weight - [data.dn_ai_weight]
- Issued document attached delivery note causal - [data.dn_ai_causal]
- Issued document attached delivery note destination - [data.dn_ai_destination]
- Issued document attached delivery note transporter - [data.dn_ai_transporter]
- Issued document attached delivery note notes - [data.dn_ai_notes]
- Issued document is marked - [data.is_marked]
- [Read only] Issued document total net amount - [data.amount_net]
- [Read Only] Issued document total vat amount - [data.amount_vat]
- [Read Only] Issued document total gross amount - [data.amount_gross]
- Issued document amount due discount - [data.amount_due_discount]
- [Read Only] Issued document rivalsa amount - [data.amount_rivalsa]
- Issued document taxable rivalsa amount - [data.amount_rivalsa_taxable]
- [Read Only] Issued document withholding tax amount (ritenuta d'acconto). - [data.amount_withholding_tax]
- Issued document taxable withholding tax amount - [data.amount_withholding_tax_taxable]
- [Read Only] Issued document other withholding tax amount (altra ritenuta) - [data.amount_other_withholding_tax]
- Issued document taxable other withholding tax amount - [data.amount_other_withholding_tax_taxable]
- Issued document taxable enasarco amount - [data.amount_enasarco_taxable]
- [data.extra_data.multifatture_sent]
- Send issued document to "Sistema Tessera Sanitaria" - [data.extra_data.ts_communication]
- Issued document ts "tipo spesa" [TK, FC, FV, SV,SP, AD, AS, ECG, SR] - [data.extra_data.ts_flag_tipo_spesa]
- Issued document ts traced payment - [data.extra_data.ts_pagamento_tracciato]
- Can be [ 'TK', 'FC', 'FV', 'SV', 'SP', 'AD', 'AS', 'SR', 'CT', 'PI', 'IC', 'AA' ]. Refer to the technical specifications to learn more. - [data.extra_data.ts_tipo_spesa]
- Issued document ts "opposizione" - [data.extra_data.ts_opposizione]
- Issued document ts status - [data.extra_data.ts_status]
- Issued document ts file id - [data.extra_data.ts_file_id]
- Issued document ts sent date - [data.extra_data.ts_sent_date]
- Issued document ts total amount - [data.extra_data.ts_full_amount]
- Issued document imported by software - [data.extra_data.imported_by]
- Issued document seen date - [data.seen_date]
- Issued document date of the next not paid payment - [data.next_due_date]
- [Temporary] [Read Only] Issued document url of the document PDF file - [data.url]
- [Temporary] [Read Only] Issued document url of the attached delivery note PDF file - [data.dn_url]
- [Temporary] [Read Only] Issued document url of the accompanying invoice PDF file - [data.ai_url]
- [Temporary] [Read Only] Archive Document url of the attached file - [data.attachment_url]
- [Write Only] [Required] Archive document attachment token returned by POST /archive/attachment - [data.attachment_token]
- Issued document advanced raw attributes for e-invoices - [data.ei_raw]
- [Read only] Status of the e-invoice. * **attempt** - We are trying to send the invoice, please wait up to 2 hours * **missing** - The invoice is missing * **not_sent** - The invoice has yet to be sent * **sent** - The invoice was sent * **pending** - The checks for the digital signature and sending are in progress * **processing** - The SDI is delivering the invoice to the customer * **error** - An error occurred while handling the invoice, please try to resend it or contact support * **discarded** - The invoice has been rejected by the SDI, so it must be corrected and re-sent * **not_delivered** - The SDI was unable to deliver the invoice * **accepted** - The customer accepted the invoice * **rejected** - The customer rejected the invoice, so it must be corrected * **no_response** - A response has not yet been received whithin the deadline, contact the customer to ascertain the status of the invoice * **manual_accepted** - The customer accepted the invoice * **manual_rejected** - The customer rejected the invoice - [data.ei_status]
- Issued Document can't be edited - [data.locked]
- Client creation date - [data.created_at]
- Client last update date - [data.updated_at]
- Fixes your last payment amount to match your document total - [options.fix_payments]
- Original documents ids [only for join/transform] - [options.create_from]
- Tranform a document [only for transform] - [options.transform]
- Keep original document [only for transform] - [options.keep_copy]
- Join type [only for join] - [options.join_type]
- Company IDRequired
- Resource TypeRequired
- Event TypesRequired
Try ItTriggerInstant- Company IDRequired
- Archive document id - []
- Archive document date - []
- Archive Document description - [data.description]
- Cashbook kind - [data.kind]
- Cashbook type - [data.type]
- Cashbook entity name - [data.entity_name]
- Cashbook related document id - []
- Cashbook related document type - [data.document.type]
- Cashbook related document path - [data.document.path]
- [Only for cashbook entry in] Cashbook total amount in - [data.amount_in]
- Payment account id - []
- Payment account name - []
- Payment account type - [data.payment_account_in.type]
- Payment account iban - [data.payment_account_in.iban]
- Payment account sia - [data.payment_account_in.sia]
- Payment account cuc - [data.payment_account_in.cuc]
- Payment method is virtual - [data.payment_account_in.virtual]
- [Only for cashbook entry out] Cashbook total amount out - [data.amount_out]
- Payment account id - []
- Payment account name - []
- Payment account type - [data.payment_account_out.type]
- Payment account iban - [data.payment_account_out.iban]
- Payment account sia - [data.payment_account_out.sia]
- Payment account cuc - [data.payment_account_out.cuc]
- Payment method is virtual - [data.payment_account_out.virtual]
ActionWrite- Company IDRequired
- Archive document id - []
- F24 due date - [data.due_date]
- F24 status - [data.status]
- Payment account id - []
- Payment account name - []
- Payment account type - [data.payment_account.type]
- Payment account iban - [data.payment_account.iban]
- Payment account sia - [data.payment_account.sia]
- Payment account cuc - [data.payment_account.cuc]
- Payment method is virtual - [data.payment_account.virtual]
- F24 amount - [data.amount]
- [Temporary] [Read Only] Archive Document url of the attached file - [data.attachment_url]
- [Write Only] [Required] Archive document attachment token returned by POST /archive/attachment - [data.attachment_token]
- Archive Document description - [data.description]
ActionWrite- Company IDRequired
- Archive document id - []
- Client name - []
- Cashbook type - [data.type]
- Payment account iban - [data.iban]
- Payment account sia - [data.sia]
- Payment account cuc - [data.cuc]
- Payment method is virtual - [data.virtual]
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