Connect Follow Up Boss and Jotform to unlock the power of automation
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Set up your first integration
Quickly connect Follow Up Boss to Jotform with a Zapier template.
Our most popular template
How Zapier works
Zapier makes it easy to integrate Follow Up Boss with Jotform - no code necessary. See how you can get setup in minutes.
Select a trigger from Follow Up Boss
Setup an action from Jotform
That’s it! You just connected Follow Up Boss to Jotform
Zapier is the automation platform of choice for 87% of Forbes Cloud 100 companies in 2023
Customers who say using Zapier has made them better at their job
Customers have created over 25 million Zaps on the platform
6 mins
The average user takes less than 6 minutes to set up a Zap
Frequently Asked Questions about Follow Up Boss + Jotform integrations
New to automation with Zapier? You're not alone. Here are some answers to common questions about how Zapier works with Follow Up Boss and Jotform
How do I integrate Follow Up Boss with Jotform?
To integrate Follow Up Boss with Jotform, you can use our platform to create a workflow that connects the two apps. You'll need to set a trigger event, such as 'New Submission' in Jotform, and an action event like 'Create Contact' in Follow Up Boss.
What kind of information can be transferred from Jotform to Follow Up Boss?
When integrating Jotform with Follow Up Boss, you can transfer data such as contact information including name, email, phone numbers, and any custom fields you’ve set up in your forms. Make sure these fields match what’s in your Follow Up Boss account for smooth data transfer.
Can I automatically create contacts in Follow Up Boss from a Jotform submission?
Yes, by setting up a trigger for 'New Submission' in Jotform and an action for 'Create Contact' in Follow Up Boss on our platform, contacts will be generated automatically whenever a new form is submitted.
Can I customize which form fields from Jotform are sent to Follow Up Boss?
Absolutely, you can customize field mapping between Jotform and Follow Up Boss when setting up your integration. This allows specific form fields in Jotform to match designated fields in your contact profiles within Follow Up Boss.
Is it possible to update existing contacts in Follow Up Boss using data from Jotform submissions?
Yes, the integration allows for updating existing contacts. By establishing criteria for matching records (like email address), our system can update current contact information every time there's a new form submission on Jotform.
Does the integration work if there are multiple submissions from the same contact on Jotform?
Yes, our system handles multiple submissions efficiently. You can configure whether each submission creates a new contact or updates an existing one based on predefined conditions like matching email addresses.
Are there any limitations on the number of submissions processed when integrating both services?
The number of submissions processed depends on your plan's limits. Ensure your plan covers your expected volume of form submissions to prevent any interruptions to your workflow process.
Supported triggers and actions
Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.
- New Appointment
Fires when a new appointment is created in Follow Up Boss.
Try ItTriggerInstant - Pipeline name
- Stage name
Try ItTriggerInstant- Stage name
Try ItTriggerInstant- Contact Phone, Email, or IDRequired
- Team Member(s)
- New Deal
Fires when a new deal is created in Follow Up Boss.
Try ItTriggerInstant - New Contact
Fires when a new contact is created in Follow Up Boss.
Try ItTriggerInstant - Tag nameRequired
Try ItTriggerInstant- Contact Phone, Email, or IDRequired
- Tag(s)Required