Connect Forms for Slack and to unlock the power of automation
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Set up your first integration
Quickly connect Forms for Slack to with a Zapier template.
Our most popular template
How Zapier works
Zapier makes it easy to integrate Forms for Slack with - no code necessary. See how you can get setup in minutes.
Select a trigger from Forms for Slack
Setup an action from
That’s it! You just connected Forms for Slack to
Zapier is the automation platform of choice for 87% of Forbes Cloud 100 companies in 2023
Customers who say using Zapier has made them better at their job
Customers have created over 25 million Zaps on the platform
6 mins
The average user takes less than 6 minutes to set up a Zap
Frequently Asked Questions about Forms for Slack + integrations
New to automation with Zapier? You're not alone. Here are some answers to common questions about how Zapier works with Forms for Slack and
What triggers are available when integrating Forms for Slack with
When integrating Forms for Slack with, you can use triggers such as 'New Form Submission' which allows you to initiate workflows in whenever a form is filled out in Slack.
Can I create new items in using data from Slack forms?
Yes, you can create new items in using data collected from Slack forms. By setting the 'Create Item' action, any new form submission can automatically generate an item in your chosen board on
Is it possible to update existing items in based on form submissions from Slack?
Absolutely. Our integration allows you to set up an 'Update Item' action so that specific field updates from a form submission in Slack will reflect directly on corresponding items in
How does the integration handle form responses that require approvals or additional steps before updating
Our integration provides flexibility by allowing form responses to trigger approval processes or additional steps. Custom workflows can be configured so that only approved submissions proceed to update or create items on
What happens if a form field does not match exactly with a field on my board?
If there is a mismatch between form fields and your board fields, our platform allows mapping of fields where you can specify how each field corresponds to another, ensuring smooth data transfer despite discrepancies.
Can I automate notifications within Slack when there's an update or change made in due to a form submission?
Yes, the integration supports automating notifications within Slack. For actions and updates made on as a result of a form submission, automated messages can be set up to notify your team within your specified channels.
Are there any limitations on the number of forms or requests that can be processed through the integration at once?
While we strive for seamless processing, it's important to check plan-specific limits on automation tasks and requests processing. Larger volumes might require adjustments based on your service tier and requirements.
Supported triggers and actions
Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.
- Form NameRequired
Try ItTriggerInstant- Board IDRequired
Try ItTriggerInstant- Board IDRequired
Try ItTriggerInstant- Board IDRequired
- Column IDRequired
Try ItTriggerInstant
- Board IDRequired
Try ItTriggerInstant- New Board
Triggers when a new board is created.
Try ItTriggerPolling - Board IDRequired
- Column IDsRequired
Try ItTriggerInstant- Board IDRequired
Try ItTriggerInstant