Connect KonnektiveCRM and WooCommerce to unlock the power of automation
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- Free forever for core features
- 14-day trial for premium features and apps
How Zapier works
Zapier makes it easy to integrate KonnektiveCRM with WooCommerce - no code necessary. See how you can get setup in minutes.
Select a trigger from KonnektiveCRM
Setup an action from WooCommerce
That’s it! You just connected KonnektiveCRM to WooCommerce
Zapier is the automation platform of choice for 87% of Forbes Cloud 100 companies in 2023
Customers who say using Zapier has made them better at their job
Customers have created over 25 million Zaps on the platform
6 mins
The average user takes less than 6 minutes to set up a Zap
Frequently Asked Questions about KonnektiveCRM + WooCommerce integrations
New to automation with Zapier? You're not alone. Here are some answers to common questions about how Zapier works with KonnektiveCRM and WooCommerce
How do I set up an integration between KonnektiveCRM and WooCommerce?
To set up the integration, you will need to use our platform to connect your KonnektiveCRM and WooCommerce accounts. Once connected, you can configure triggers such as 'New Order in WooCommerce' and actions like 'Create Customer in KonnektiveCRM' to automate workflows.
What triggers are supported for WooCommerce when integrating with KonnektiveCRM?
When integrating with WooCommerce, we support triggers such as 'New Order', 'Order Updated', and 'New Customer'. These triggers allow you to automatically send information to KonnektiveCRM based on specific events in your WooCommerce store.
Can I update a customer's information in KonnektiveCRM based on changes made in WooCommerce?
Yes, by using a trigger such as 'Customer Updated' in WooCommerce, you can set an action to update the customer information in KonnektiveCRM. This ensures your customer data stays consistent across both platforms.
Is it possible to create new orders in KonnektiveCRM when an order is placed on WooCommerce?
Absolutely! You can set up a trigger for 'New Order' in WooCommerce that performs an action to 'Create Order' in KonnektiveCRM. This way, all orders are directly mirrored from your store into your CRM system.
How do we handle inventory updates from WooCommerce to KonnektiveCRM?
Currently, we can transfer order details and customer data but direct inventory syncing isn't supported. You may need additional middleware or custom solutions for complete inventory management.
Are there any limitations I should be aware of when integrating these two platforms?
While our integration covers basic order and customer data syncing, complex scenarios like multi-currency handling or direct inventory sync may not be fully supported. It's advisable to check specific use cases.
What happens if there’s a connection issue between KonnektiveCRM and WooCommerce during a transaction?
If a connection issue occurs during a transaction processing between these systems, our system logs this error and will attempt retries. We recommend setting notifications so you're informed about such events promptly.
Supported triggers and actions
Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.
- New Customer
Triggers when a new customer is created.
Try ItTriggerPolling - Transaction TypeRequired
- Product
Try ItTriggerPolling- CampaignRequired
- Quality Assurance
- Phone NumberRequired
- Email AddressRequired
- First NameRequired
- Last NameRequired
- Street AddressRequired
- Address 2
- CityRequired
- CountryRequired
- StateRequired
- Zip CodeRequired
- Shipping InformationRequired
- Product IdRequired
- Product Quantity
- Product Price
- Product Ship Price
- Ship First Name
- Ship Last Name
- Ship Street Address
- Ship Street Address 2
- Ship City
- Ship Country
- Ship State
- Ship Zip Code
- Contact Opt In
- Email Opt In
- Marketing Opt In
ActionWrite- Trigger RuleRequired
Try ItTriggerInstant
- Campaign
- Order Type
- Upsell
- Campaign Product Id
Try ItTriggerPolling- CampaignRequired
- Email AddressRequired
- Phone Number
- First NameRequired
- Last NameRequired
- Street AddressRequired
- Address 2
- CityRequired
- CountryRequired
- StateRequired
- Zip CodeRequired
- Ship First Name
- Ship Last Name
- Ship Street Address
- Ship Address 2
- Ship City
- Ship Country
- Ship State
- Ship Zip Code
- Contact Opt In
- Email Opt In
- Marketing Opt In
ActionWrite- CampaignRequired
- Session Id
- Quality Assurance
- Phone Number
- Email AddressRequired
- First NameRequired
- Last NameRequired
- Street AddressRequired
- Address 2
- CityRequired
- CountryRequired
- StateRequired
- Zip CodeRequired
- Product
- Product Quantity
- Product Price
- Product Ship Price
- Product 2
- Product 2 Quantity
- Product 2 Price
- Product 2 Ship Price
- Product 3
- Product 3 Quantity
- Product 3 Price
- Product 3 Ship Price
- Shipping InformationRequired
- Ship First Name
- Ship Last Name
- Ship Street Address
- Ship Street Address 2
- Ship Country
- Ship State
- Ship City
- Ship Zip Code
- Custom 1
- Custom 2
- Custom 3
- Custom 4
- Custom 5
- Contact Opt In
- Email Opt In
- Marketing Opt In
ActionWrite- Trigger RuleRequired
Try ItTriggerInstant