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Breetel Graves

Breetel Graves

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Productivity tips

Work-life balance isn't just personal—it's business

I've been having a tough time with my own screen addictions. Particularly with Slack. I check my work Slack at all hours, day or night, whether I'm working or not. Up until a few weeks ago, I had no idea how detrimental this was for my mental health.

By Breetel Graves


5 min read

Hero image of a person speaking in front a group of other people in a small conference room

Productivity tips

Owning up: Restructuring women's worth at work

I've had a lot of difficulty viewing myself as smart—or, at least, as smart as my peers.

By Breetel Graves


6 min read

Hero image of a person's hands at a computer, wearing a sweater and a watch

Productivity tips

Friday updates: Why we do it and how you can too

I'm a quiet person. My speaking voice is naturally soft, and it takes a concerted effort for me to speak louder. I'm also slow to warm up.

By Breetel Graves


5 min read

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Productivity tips

What working parents need at work

I've been a working parent for three years. I've worked remotely the entire time, and it has been such a blessing in my family life. I don't have a commute, so I get to spend more time with my kids before and after school.

By Breetel Graves


5 min read

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'