Briana Brownell
Briana's articles
Automate your work with Zapier

App tips
Use these ChatGPT cover letter prompts to help you write a cover letter that stands out.
By Briana Brownell
6 min read

App tips
For decades, humans and AI have worked together to make expert knowledge more accessible, improve performance, create new content, and more—and the future holds even more exciting collaborations.
By Briana Brownell
5 min read

Productivity tips
As AI continues to integrate more deeply into our workflows, the way we spend our time at work will change significantly.
By Briana Brownell
5 min read

App tips
W generative AI, a lot of our expectations of technology no longer apply, and we need to adopt a new way of interacting with it to use it effectively.
By Briana Brownell
5 min read
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