Deb's articles
Automate your work with Zapier

App tips
Everyone keeps telling me to go outside! take a walk! get some fresh air! But here's the thing: I like being inside. I like sitting. I'm perfectly happy opening a window for my daily dose of fresh air.
By Deb Tennen
5 min read

App tips
You want to send an email, just not right now. No problem—it's easy to schedule an email in Gmail. Maybe you're responding to work emails at an embarrassing hour and don't want the recipient to know.
By Deb Tennen
2 min read

App tips
Here's how to delete messages in Slack—plus some other options for when you get send-happy.
By Deb Tennen
2 min read

App tips
Google Docs lets you collaborate on documents; Gmail doesn't really let you collaborate on emails. That's kind of weird, right?
By Deb Tennen
3 min read
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