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Jessica Greene

Jessica Greene

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Automate your work with Zapier

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A hero image for Chrome app tips with the Chrome logo on a red background

App tips

How to turn off notifications in Chrome

Want to turn off cookie notifications and block ads on Chrome? Here's how to block them.

By Jessica Greene


5 min read

Hero image with an icon of an envelope (email)

App tips

Find any email address for free with these tips and tools

While you can find and message most anyone on social media, email is a more personal—and more professional—way to reach out. Of course, finding email addresses isn't always easy.

By Jessica Greene


3 min read

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Productivity tips

Hey Google, how can you and Alexa increase productivity at work?

I mostly use Google Assistant at home to settle debates with my husband and daughter: "Hey Google, what year was Wall-E released?" (2008. I was right.

By Jessica Greene


6 min read

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Productivity tips

Be Efficient, Not Productive

I'm not here to make a semantic argument, really. But there's a difference between being productive and being efficient, and efficiency wins every time. Productivity measures how much you do or produce within a given timeframe.

By Jessica Greene


4 min read

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'