Steph Knapp
Steph's articles
Automate your work with Zapier
Customer stories
The Climate Clock says we have about six years until we reach a critical turning point in the race against climate change. That’s why David Laderberg, the Vice President of Smart Charge America, relies on automation to scale the company.
By Steph Knapp
4 min read
Remote work tips
In a lunch rut? Here's what remote workers like to eat mid-day.
By Steph Knapp
6 min read
Productivity tips
What can office workers do to make their work sustainable? I asked around to see what workers and employers are doing to go green in the digital world—here's what I learned.
By Steph Knapp
5 min read
Business tips
When the future feels uncertain, what do companies do? Zapier surveyed over 500 technology founders, executives, and employees at tech companies to learn how they might prepare for a recession—and 47% of companies said they would cut operating costs.
By Steph Knapp
7 min read
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