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4 ways to automate PostgreSQL with Zapier

By Michael Toth · July 1, 2024
A hero image of the PostgreSQL app logo connected to other app logos on a light yellow background.

PostgreSQL is a reliable and powerful open-source relational database management system, widely used for managing large volumes of data. While PostgreSQL excels as a standalone tool, integrating it into a broader data management ecosystem can significantly enhance its functionality. 

Using Zapier's automated workflows—called Zaps—you can effortlessly link PostgreSQL with thousands of other apps and services, automating data transfers and optimizing your workflows.

Whether you want to stay informed about critical data updates, share insights with your team more effectively, or maintain data consistency across multiple platforms, automating PostgreSQL can significantly enhance your data management capabilities. Let's dive into how you can leverage automation to streamline your work.

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Table of contents

  • Send notifications from PostgreSQL

  • Integrate PostgreSQL with Google Sheets

  • Connect PostgreSQL to almost any app with webhooks

  • Sync tables across PostgreSQL

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Send notifications from PostgreSQL

Staying on top of real-time data updates is important for timely and effective decision-making, but constantly checking PostgreSQL for updates isn't an effective way to manage your time.

You can ensure your team is always aware of key changes without constant monitoring by automating notifications from PostgreSQL. Whether you prefer Slack messages or email notifications, these automations can help you more easily stay on top of your data, especially for critical updates that require immediate attention.

Get Slack messages for new custom query matches on PostgreSQL

Get Slack messages for new custom query matches on PostgreSQL
  • PostgreSQL logo
  • Slack logo
PostgreSQL + Slack

Send Slack direct messages for new PostgreSQL rows (custom query).

Send Slack direct messages for new PostgreSQL rows (custom query).
  • PostgreSQL logo
  • Slack logo
PostgreSQL + Slack

Send emails on Gmail for new custom query matches on PostgreSQL

Send emails on Gmail for new custom query matches on PostgreSQL
  • PostgreSQL logo
  • Gmail logo
PostgreSQL + Gmail

Send emails via Gmail for new PostgreSQL rows

Send emails via Gmail for new PostgreSQL rows
  • PostgreSQL logo
  • Gmail logo
PostgreSQL + Gmail

Send emails for new rows on PostgreSQL

Send emails for new rows on PostgreSQL
  • PostgreSQL logo
  • Email by Zapier logo
PostgreSQL + Email by Zapier

Integrate PostgreSQL with Google Sheets

Many people are more comfortable working with a familiar interface like Google Sheets than with an SQL database. Integrating PostgreSQL with Google Sheets lets you easily track and analyze your data in an accessible format so more team members can access crucial data. 

By automating data transfers from PostgreSQL to Google Sheets, you can ensure your spreadsheets are always refreshed with the latest information, making it easier to monitor trends, generate reports, and share insights with your team.

For example, you can set up a Zap to create a new spreadsheet row in Google Sheets whenever a new row that matches a custom query is added to your PostgreSQL database. This helps you capture specific data points that are important to your analysis. Similarly, you can configure Zaps to automatically add new rows or multiple rows from PostgreSQL to Google Sheets, ensuring that all relevant data is logged without manual effort.

Here are a few Zaps to help you get started:

Create rows on Google Sheets for new custom query matches on PostgreSQL

Create rows on Google Sheets for new custom query matches on PostgreSQL
  • PostgreSQL logo
  • Google Sheets logo
PostgreSQL + Google Sheets

Create Google Sheets spreadsheet rows with new rows in PostgreSQL

Create Google Sheets spreadsheet rows with new rows in PostgreSQL
  • PostgreSQL logo
  • Google Sheets logo
PostgreSQL + Google Sheets

Create multiple Google Sheets rows from new PostgreSQL rows with custom query

Create multiple Google Sheets rows from new PostgreSQL rows with custom query
  • PostgreSQL logo
  • Google Sheets logo
PostgreSQL + Google Sheets

Create Google Sheets spreadsheets from new or updated PostgreSQL rows

Create Google Sheets spreadsheets from new or updated PostgreSQL rows
  • PostgreSQL logo
  • Google Sheets logo
PostgreSQL + Google Sheets

Connect PostgreSQL to almost any app with webhooks

Although Zapier integrates with thousands of apps, you may occasionally encounter tools that Zapier doesn't directly support. Webhooks provide a powerful way to connect PostgreSQL with these applications. 

With webhooks, you can automate data transfer and trigger actions based on specific events in your PostgreSQL database, fostering seamless communication between your tools and efficient data management.

For instance, you can set up a Zap to catch a webhook—let's say when somebody fills out a form—and create a new row in PostgreSQL. This setup lets you automatically capture data from any application that can send a webhook, which is ideal for integrating custom or less common applications into your data workflow.

Similarly, you can automate sending data from PostgreSQL to other applications via webhooks. By configuring a Zap to send a POST request whenever a new row is added to PostgreSQL, you can ensure your external applications are immediately updated with the relevant data.

By integrating PostgreSQL with webhooks, you can create a flexible and dynamic data management system that easily adapts to your specific needs. This approach ensures your tools are always in sync and your data is consistently accurate and up to date.

Send new webhook data to PostgreSQL as new rows

Send new webhook data to PostgreSQL as new rows
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • PostgreSQL logo
Webhooks by Zapier + PostgreSQL

Create posts in Webhooks by Zapier from new rows in PostgreSQL

Create posts in Webhooks by Zapier from new rows in PostgreSQL
  • PostgreSQL logo
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
PostgreSQL + Webhooks by Zapier

Create custom requests in Webhooks by Zapier for new rows from custom queries in PostgreSQL

Create custom requests in Webhooks by Zapier for new rows from custom queries in PostgreSQL
  • PostgreSQL logo
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
PostgreSQL + Webhooks by Zapier

Sync tables across PostgreSQL

Keeping your PostgreSQL database up to date with the latest data is essential for maintaining accuracy and efficiency in your data management processes. There may be tables in PostgreSQL that you'd like to automatically update when other tables are edited. 

By automating updates and new entries in your PostgreSQL database, you can streamline your data management workflow, reduce the risk of errors, and ensure your data is always current and reliable. 

Update and manage rows in PostgreSQL when new custom-query rows are added

Update and manage rows in PostgreSQL when new custom-query rows are added
  • PostgreSQL logo
  • PostgreSQL logo

Create new rows in PostgreSQL from new, custom-query rows in PostgreSQL

Create new rows in PostgreSQL from new, custom-query rows in PostgreSQL
  • PostgreSQL logo
  • PostgreSQL logo

Optimize your PostgreSQL operations with Zapier

Whether you'd like to stay informed about critical data updates or synchronize PostgreSQL with Google Sheets, Zapier can help you easily connect PostgreSQL with your existing applications. Not only do these automations make your workflows more efficient, they also improve your ability to handle and analyze data, leading to better decision-making and stronger business results. 

Use these workflows to fully capitalize on the capabilities of PostgreSQL, creating a more streamlined, cohesive, and data-focused organization. And this is just the start of what you can do with PostgreSQL and Zapier. What will you automate first?

Related reading:

  • How to automate your database apps

  • Popular ways to automate MySQL

  • Collecting complex data? Here's how to automate it.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'