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It's time for Zapier's second annual National No-Code Day and No-Code Contest

Show us what you've built with no-code, and four winners will win $5,000 each.

By Zapier Editorial Team · February 8, 2023

Last year, we held our first-ever no-code day contest and had over 400 amazing submissions. We learned how folks like Caro Griffin of Tech Ladies—our inaugural No-Code Day winner—are using Zapier and other no-code tools to help their companies grow and scale.

We were so excited about the submissions we got last year that we're hosting another contest to see what you're building with no-code—and this year, we're looking for the most innovative use cases. Whether you're an employee solving problems inside a company, a non-profit using no-code tools to help further your mission, an entrepreneur who's built an entire business on no-code technology, or a tinkerer who's been using AI to build your innovative workflows, you're eligible for entry.

This year, we have four categories that you can submit to: 

  • No-Code Transforming Businesses: We want to hear how people and companies in corporate America use no-code to optimize their work and keep their business's most critical tasks running smoothly.

  • No-Code Changing the World: We're looking for non-profits (like our friends at The Georgia Innocence Project) that are using no-code to help advance their mission and make their funds go further.

  • No-Code Empowering Small Businesses: We want to see how small businesses are using no-code and automation to launch, scale, or run their business. 

  • No-Code Featuring AI: We want to see how individuals and businesses are using AI to transform their work.

Zapier's CEO, Wade Foster, will be selecting a winner in each category to receive a cash prize of $5,000.

To nominate yourself, please complete this short entry form by March 8, 2023.

Nominate yourself

Finalists will be contacted prior to posting, and the winner of each category will be announced on March 13, 2023. By completing this application, you're agreeing to be used in Zapier's marketing materials—including but not limited to PR, social, blog, and email. Full terms and conditions can be found here

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