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Make the most of time-tracking data with Harvest + Zapier

Discover how you can integrate your Harvest data with leading CRM, project management, and data visualization tools to gain deeper insights and unlock new possibilities.

Effortlessly automate Harvest workflows with Zapier

Become an automation hero

Automate your way to a shorter to-do list so you can focus on more strategic, creative tasks.

Connect the apps you already use and love

Zapier supports over 6,000 apps, so you can streamline many processes across teams.

Get the most ROI from your tools

Integrate your critical work apps into workflows, reclaim your time, and level up your impact at work.


Doreen Long

Doreen Leong

Head of Zapier Experts, Zapier

Cameron Fitchett

Cameron Fitchett

Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Harvest

Andrés Berte

Andrés Berte

Director of Growth, Connex Digital, a Premier Zapier Expert